animation: scaleUp 0.3s linear 0.4s forwards;
animation: scaleDown 0.3s linear forwards;
嗨,我试图在过滤内容时为内容设置动画。当'隐藏所有不共享我们的类的元素'和'显示所有共享ourClass的元素'但我真的不知道如何打开和关闭标签,因为我对 Javascript 不太了解。如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。谢谢。
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#filterOptions li a').click(function() {
// fetch the class of the clicked item
var ourClass = $(this).attr('class');
// reset the active class on all the buttons
$('#filterOptions li').removeClass('active');
// update the active state on our clicked button
if(ourClass == 'all') {
// show all our items
else {
// hide all elements that don't share ourClass
$('#ourHolder').children('div:not(.' + ourClass + ')').hide();
// show all elements that do share ourClass
$('#ourHolder').children('div.' + ourClass).show();
return false;