我需要显示多个 ASP 项目。我们有一个后端工具,我们可以在其中添加多个条目,但只会显示前两个。我希望只有一个小的代码调整可以允许显示额外的页面。显示代码的2个页面的代码如下:
dim sql
sql = "select * from announcement_table where ann_status=1"
set rs = con.execute(sql)
<%if not(rs.eof and rs.bof) then%>
<p><strong><%=rs("ann_title")%></strong> </p>
Currently there are no announcements.
end if
set rs = nothing
<hr size="1" noshade>
dim sql_, sqlcount
sqlcount = "select count(*) from announcement_table"
set rscount = con.execute(sqlcount)
sql_ = "select * from announcement_table where ann_status <> 1"
set rs_ = con.execute(sql_)
<%if rscount(0)>1 then%>
<%if not(rs_.eof and rs_.bof) then%>
<a href="announcements_more.asp?ann_id=<%=rs_("ann_id")%>"><%=rs_("ann_title")%></a> <br>
Currently there are no announcements.
end if
set rs_ = nothing
<%end if
set rscount = nothing
这是第 2 页:
dim sql_
sql_ = "select * from announcement_table where ann_id=" & intann_id
set rs_ = con.execute(sql_)
<p><strong><%=rs_("ann_title")%></strong> </p>
set rs_ = nothing