We are adding help files to our WPF application in Visual Studio 2010. We have not been able to find so far a method that we have been able to use.

We have some HTML help files, currently they are just in a directory, not added to the WPF project.

We don't have index or search.

I have seen that maybe we can do something with cmh, but this seems quite old and outdated now.

Ideally we would like all this in WPF, but if its not possible we need another solution.

We would like to be able to hit F1, have our main help page displayed (we have this now, it opens in our browser) and additionally add Index and Search to our main help page.

Can anyone point us in the right direction please?


1 回答 1


也许你应该看看 MSDN 上的Process.Start Method 页面。特别是,Process.Start Method (String)页面有一个代码示例,展示了如何从 WPF 应用程序打开网页。

WPF 应用程序中执行此操作,请查看 MSDN 上的WebBrowser 类页面。这还提供了将网页加载到应用程序中的代码示例。

编辑 >>> 重新阅读您的帖子后,我意识到我错过了有关搜索和索引的部分。当然,您可以自己搜索网页吗?只需打开每个页面并使用类似的东西

if (webPageContent.Contains(searchTerm)) return webPageContent;
于 2013-08-01T08:34:13.720 回答