我有一个简单的类,我将它作为指针存储在向量中。我想在向量上使用 find 但找不到我的对象。在调试时,它似乎没有调用我提供的 == 运算符。我可以在调试器中“看到”对象,所以我知道它在那里。下面的代码甚至使用了列表中第一项的副本,但仍然失败。我可以让它通过的唯一方法是使用 MergeLine* mlt = LineList.begin(),这表明它正在比较对象而不是使用我的相等运算符。
class MergeLine {
std::string linename;
int StartIndex;
double StartValue;
double FidStart;
int Length;
bool operator < (const MergeLine &ml) const {return FidStart < ml.FidStart;}
bool operator == (const MergeLine &ml) const {
return linename.compare( ml.linename) == 0;}
Class OtherClass{
std::vector<MergeLine*>::iterator LL_iter;
void DoSomething( std::string linename){
// this is the original version that returned LineList.end()
// MergeLine * mlt
// mlt->linename = linename;
// this version doesn't work either (I thought it would for sure!)
MergeLine *mlt =new MergeLine(*LineList.front());
LL_iter = std::find(LineList.begin(), LineList.end(), mlt);
if (LL_iter == LineList.end()) {
throw(Exception("line not found in LineList : " + mlt->linename));
MergeLine * ml = *LL_iter;