Here is an improved version of the existing answers.
This fully implements the Celery 4.2 behaviour (as documented here) but for Celery 3.1.25.
It also doesn't break the different task decorator forms (with/without parentheses) and returns/raises properly.
import functools
import random
from import Celery as BaseCelery
def get_exponential_backoff_interval(factor, retries, maximum, full_jitter=False):
Calculate the exponential backoff wait time.
(taken from Celery 4 `celery/utils/`)
# Will be zero if factor equals 0
countdown = factor * (2 ** retries)
# Full jitter according to
if full_jitter:
countdown = random.randrange(countdown + 1)
# Adjust according to maximum wait time and account for negative values.
return max(0, min(maximum, countdown))
class Celery(BaseCelery):
def task(self, *args, **opts):
Overridden to add a back-port of Celery 4's `autoretry_for` task args.
super_method = super(Celery, self).task
def inner_create_task_cls(*args_task, **opts_task):
autoretry_for = tuple(opts_task.get('autoretry_for', ())) # Tuple[Type[Exception], ...]
retry_backoff = int(opts_task.get('retry_backoff', False)) # multiplier, default if True: 1
retry_backoff_max = int(opts_task.get('retry_backoff_max', 600)) # seconds
retry_jitter = opts_task.get('retry_jitter', True) # bool
retry_kwargs = opts_task.get('retry_kwargs', {})
def real_decorator(func):
@super_method(*args_task, **opts_task)
def wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs):
return func(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
except autoretry_for as exc:
if retry_backoff:
retry_kwargs['countdown'] = get_exponential_backoff_interval(
raise wrapper.retry(exc=exc, **retry_kwargs)
return wrapper
return real_decorator
# handle both `@task` and `@task(...)` decorator forms
if len(args) == 1:
if callable(args[0]):
return inner_create_task_cls(**opts)(*args)
raise TypeError('argument 1 to @task() must be a callable')
if args:
raise TypeError(
'@task() takes exactly 1 argument ({0} given)'.format(
sum([len(args), len(opts)])))
return inner_create_task_cls(**opts)
I have also written some unit tests for this as am using it in my project.
They can be found in this gist but note they are not easily runnable - treat more as documentation of how the above feature works (and validation that it works properly).