目标是捕获 keyup 事件,验证它是制表符还是 shift+制表符,然后制表符,就好像它正在通过一个表进行制表符一样。当焦点到达最后一个可见的输入时,三行(参见 fiddle 的视觉)应该一起移动以显示隐藏的输入。一旦到该行中输入的末尾,三行将再次滑回开头,有点像打字机上的回车,或者在表格中的不同行中切换。
PS 使用 jquery 1.9.1
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
// bind listeners to time input fields
$('.timeBlock').keyup(function () {
var caller = $(this);
var obj = new LayoutObj(caller);
if (event.keyCode === 9) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
obj.dir = 'prev';
// bind listeners to prev/next buttons
$('.previous, .next').on('click', function () {
var str = $(this).attr('class');
var caller = $(this);
var obj = new LayoutObj(caller);
obj.src = 'pg';
if (str === 'previous') {
obj.dir = 'prev';
function LayoutObj(input) {
var today = new Date();
var thisMonth = today.getMonth();
var thisDate = today.getDate();
var dateStr = '';
var fullDates = $('.dateNum');
var splitDates = new Array();
this.currIndex = 0; //currIndex defaults to 0
fullDates.each(function (index) {
splitDates[index] = $(this).text().split('/');
//traverse the list of dates in the pay period, compare values and stop when/if you find today
for (var i = 0; i < splitDates.length; i++) {
if (thisMonth === (parseInt(splitDates[i][0], 10) - 1) && thisDate === parseInt(splitDates[i][1], 10)) {
thisMonth += 1;
thisMonth += '';
thisDate += '';
if (thisMonth.length < 2) {
dateStr = "0" + thisMonth + "/";
else {
dateStr = thisMonth + "/";
if (thisDate.length < 2) {
dateStr += "0" + thisDate;
else {
dateStr += thisDate;
fullDates[i].parentNode.setAttribute('class', 'date today');
this.todayIndex = i;
//grab all of the lists & the inputs
this.window = $('div.timeViewList');
this.allLists = $('.timeViewList ul');
this.inputs = $('.timeBlock');
//if input`isn't null, set currIndex to match index of caller
if (input !== null) {
this.currIndex = this.inputs.index(input);
//else if today is in the pay period, set currIndex to todayIndex
else if (this.todayIndex !== undefined) {
this.currIndex = this.todayIndex;
//(else default = 0)
//grab the offsets for the cell, parent, and lists.
this.winOffset = this.window.offset().left;
this.cellOffset = this.inputs.eq(this.currIndex).offset().left;
this.listOffset = this.inputs.offset().left;
//grab the width of a cell, the parent, and lists
this.cellWidth = this.inputs.outerWidth();
this.listWidth = this.inputs.last().offset().left + this.cellWidth - this.inputs.eq(0).offset().left;
this.winWidth = this.window.outerWidth();
//calculate the maximum (left) offset between the lists and the parents
this.offsetMax = (this.listWidth - this.winWidth);
//set default scroll direction as fwd, and default nav as tab
this.dir = 'next';
this.src = 'tab';
//grab the offsets for the cell, parent, and lists.
this.cellOffset = this.inputs.eq(this.currIndex).offset().left;
this.listOffset = this.inputs.eq(0).offset().left;
this.winOffset = this.allLists.parent().offset().left;
//calculate the maximum (left) offset between the lists and the parents
this.offsetMax = (this.listWidth - this.winWidth);
LayoutObj.prototype.focusDate = function () {
LayoutObj.prototype.slideLists = function (num) {
this.listOffset += num;
this.allLists.offset({ left: this.listOffset });
LayoutObj.prototype.navDates = function () {
if (!this.inWindow()) {
var slide = 0;
switch (this.src) {
case 'pg':
slide = this.winWidth - this.cellWidth;
case 'tab':
slide = this.cellWidth + 1;
if (this.dir === 'next') {
slide = -slide;
LayoutObj.prototype.inWindow = function () {
//detects if cell intended for focus is visible in the parent div
if ((this.cellOffset > this.winOffset) && ((this.cellOffset + this.cellWidth) < (this.winOffset + this.winWidth))) {
return true;
else {
return false;