I have JSON-RPC2 server which provides interface to some services
$server = new Server;
$server->service1 = new Service1($this);
$server->service2 = new Service2($this);
I am wondering, if there is any (preferably PHP) client, which is able to call the methods of these services, as I need it for debug purposes.
I tested one client, which is able to call methods directly:
$client = new jsonRPCClient('http://localhost/jsonrpcphp/server.php');
// This works
$response = $client->giveMeSomeData('name');
// This doesn't
$response = $client->service1->giveMeSomeData('name');
My original client is CoffeScript application, which calls the methods in this way:
@get("api").call "service1.giveMeSomeData", "name", (result) =>
Is there any JSON-RPC2 client for PHP which I could use in the same way?