我是 MVC 的新手。我在安装 MVC 4 时安装了 NuGet 扩展。之后我运行了更清洁的程序,因为我认为临时文件已被删除。现在,当我尝试添加任何新的 MVC 4 项目时,它会显示以下错误

尝试添加新的 MVC 项目时出现的错误

我已经卸载了 nuget但仍然面临同样的问题,请帮助我如何解决这个问题。


1 回答 1


For some reason, the nuget package manager is not always installed by default. I came across this problem a few times already.

What you want to do is this.

First: You need to unistall npm(nuget package manager), you did this already, you can try this again, just to be sure :) Visual studio -> Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Npm -> unistall

Second: after you unistall npm, you need to install it again to use it (ofc). There are several ways to install npm:

  • 1) install it under Visual studio -> tools -> extenstions and Updates> npm -> install

  • 2) GOTO http://nuget.org, search the install nuget link and click on it, downlaod the .vsix file and install in on your visual studio

Third: after the installation, close and re-open visual studio, hopefully you will never get that error again.

于 2013-07-31T13:37:43.460 回答