我从我的项目中创建了 Windows 应用程序,我现在面临一个问题。问题是:我已经有一个文本框数组,并且想要连接这些数据库文本框,但是,我无法获取数据,因为我想要连接的数据是 int 数据类型。
我已经创建了 2 个表单,一个用于登录表单,用于登录表单,数据库是字符串,所以自动完成功能正在工作。第二个是Second Form,对于Second Form,数据库是int,所以自动完成不起作用。
我的问题是:如何将 int 数据类型转换为字符串数据类型?
string connectionString = (@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=\Archives\Projects\Program\Sell System\Sell System\App_Data\db1.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;");
private List<List<TextBox>> textBoxCodeContainer = new List<List<TextBox>>();
OleDbDataReader dReader;
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT DISTINCT [Code] FROM [Data] ORDER BY [Code] ASC", conn);
dReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
AutoCompleteStringCollection codesCollection = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
while (dReader.Read())
codesCollection.Add(Convert.ToString(dReader.GetInt32(dReader.GetOrdinal("Code")))); // This line is not working
//****TextBox for Code****
for (int y = 0; y <= 16; y++)
textBoxCodeContainer.Add(new List<TextBox>());
textBoxCodeContainer[0].Add(new TextBox());
textBoxCodeContainer[0][y].Size = new Size(100, 50);
textBoxCodeContainer[0][y].Location = new Point(25, 150 + (y * 25));
textBoxCodeContainer[0][y].AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
textBoxCodeContainer[0][y].AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
textBoxCodeContainer[0][y].AutoCompleteCustomSource = codesCollection;
编辑:代码的数据类型为数字,字段大小为长整数,格式为 0000.. 后面的零替换为数字“1”、“2”等。
编辑: *完整代码****
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace Sell_System
public partial class Form2 : Form
string connectionString = (@"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=\Archives\Projects\Program\Sell System\Sell System\App_Data\db1.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;");
private Form1 firstForm;
private List<List<TextBox>> textBoxCodeContainer = new List<List<TextBox>>();
private List<List<TextBox>> textBoxQuantityContainer = new List<List<TextBox>>();
private List<List<TextBox>> textBoxDescContainer = new List<List<TextBox>>();
private List<List<TextBox>> textBoxSubTotalContainer = new List<List<TextBox>>();
private List<List<TextBox>> textBoxTotalContainer = new List<List<TextBox>>();
public Form2()
public Form2(Form1 firstForm)
: this()
this.firstForm = firstForm;
private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//var int num = 10;
OleDbDataReader dReader;
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT DISTINCT [Code] FROM [Data] ORDER BY [Code] ASC", conn);
dReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
AutoCompleteStringCollection codesCollection = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
while (dReader.Read())
if (firstForm.comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0)
label1.Text = "Code:";
label1.Location = new Point(60, 125);
label2.Text = "Welcome to the Selling System.";
label2.Location = new Point(600, 0);
label3.Text = "Quantity:";
label3.Location = new Point(155, 125);
label4.Text = "Description:";
label4.Location = new Point(580, 125);
label5.Text = "Sub Total on Rp:";
label5.Location = new Point(1020, 125);
label6.Text = "Total on Rp:";
label6.Location = new Point(1210, 125);
label7.Text = "Total on Rp:";
label7.Location = new Point(1080, 580);
else if (firstForm.comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 1)
label1.Text = "Kode:";
label1.Location = new Point(60, 125);
label2.Text = "Selamat datang di Selling System.";
label2.Location = new Point(600, 0);
label3.Text = "Banyaknya:";
label3.Location = new Point(145, 125);
label4.Text = "Keterangan:";
label4.Location = new Point(580, 125);
label5.Text = "Sub Total di Rp:";
label5.Location = new Point(1020, 125);
label6.Text = "Total di Rp:";
label6.Location = new Point(1210, 125);
label7.Text = "Total di Rp:";
label7.Location = new Point(1080, 580);
//****TextBox for Code****
for (int y = 0; y <= 16; y++)
textBoxCodeContainer.Add(new List<TextBox>());
textBoxCodeContainer[0].Add(new TextBox());
textBoxCodeContainer[0][y].Size = new Size(100, 50);
textBoxCodeContainer[0][y].Location = new Point(25, 150 + (y * 25));
textBoxCodeContainer[0][y].AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
textBoxCodeContainer[0][y].AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
textBoxCodeContainer[0][y].AutoCompleteCustomSource = codesCollection;
//****TextBox for Quantity****
for (int y = 0; y <= 16; y++)
textBoxQuantityContainer.Add(new List<TextBox>());
textBoxQuantityContainer[0].Add(new TextBox());
textBoxQuantityContainer[0][y].Size = new Size(100, 50);
textBoxQuantityContainer[0][y].Location = new Point(125, 150 + (y * 25));
//****TextBox for Description****
for (int y = 0; y <= 16; y++)
textBoxDescContainer.Add(new List<TextBox>());
textBoxDescContainer[0].Add(new TextBox());
textBoxDescContainer[0][y].Size = new Size(750, 50);
textBoxDescContainer[0][y].Location = new Point(225, 150 + (y * 25));
//****TextBox for Sub Total****
for (int y = 0; y <= 16; y++)
textBoxSubTotalContainer.Add(new List<TextBox>());
textBoxSubTotalContainer[0].Add(new TextBox());
textBoxSubTotalContainer[0][y].Size = new Size(175, 50);
textBoxSubTotalContainer[0][y].Location = new Point(975, 150 + (y * 25));
//****TextBox for Total****
for (int y = 0; y <= 16; y++)
textBoxTotalContainer.Add(new List<TextBox>());
textBoxTotalContainer[0].Add(new TextBox());
textBoxTotalContainer[0][y].Size = new Size(175, 50);
textBoxTotalContainer[0][y].Location = new Point(1150, 150 + (y * 25));
//****TextBox for Total All****
TextBox textBoxAllTotal = new TextBox();
textBoxAllTotal.Size = new Size(175, 50);
textBoxAllTotal.Location = new Point(1150, 575);