我是 Python 新手,目前正在使用 IF 语句做一些工作。这是我目前所拥有的......
myName = input("What is your name?")
print("Hello " +myName)
myAge = int(input("How old are you?"))
if myAge <=18:
myResponse = input("You must still be at school?")
if myResponse == "Yes" or "yes" or "YES" or "Y" or "yEs" or "y":
mySchool = input("What school do you go to?")
print (mySchool, "that is a good school I hear")
if myResponse == "No" or "n" or "N" or "NO":
print("Lucky you, you have lots of free time!")
if myAge >=19:
myResponse = input("You must have a job?")
if myResponse == "Yes" or "yes" or "YES" or "Y" or "yEs" or "y":
myWork = input("What do you do?")
print (myWork, "Thats a tough job")
if myResponse == "No" or "n" or "N" or "NO":
print("Lucky you, you have lots of free time!")