


这里,g(x) 是分布的密度函数。我想为几个分布计算这个函数。另外,我使用了库 fitdistrplus。

要创建 g,我以这种方式使用函数 do.call:

g<-function(x) {do.call(paste("d",i,sep=""),c(list(x=x),fti$estimate))}

fti$estimate 包含分布 i 的参数。

G(x) 是以这种方式计算的累积分布:

G<-function(x) {do.call(paste("p",i,sep=""),c(list(q=x),fti$estimate))}

我这样计算 f(x) :

f<function(n,x) {n*g(x)*(1-G(x))^(n-1)

最后,我以这种方式计算 h(x):

h<- function(n) {integrate(function(x) {x*f(n,x)},0,Inf)}


1: In n*g(x):
Longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
2: In (1-G(x))^(n-1):
Longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3: In x*f(n,x) :
Longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

除此之外,如果我只想绘制 f(n,x),我会收到以下错误:

Error in list(x=x) :'x' is missing


#i can be "exp" "lnorm" "norm" etc...
for( i in functionsName) {

    fti<-fitdist(data, i)
    plotdist(data,i, para=as.list(fti[[1]]))
    #fti is a datatable or datafram
    #fti$estimate looks like this :
    # meanlog    sdlog 
    #8.475449 1.204958 

    pdf<-function(x) {do.call(paste("d",i,sep=""), c(list(x=x),fti$estimate))}  
    cdf<-function(x) do.call(paste("p",i,sep=""), c(list(q=x),fti$estimate))

    minLaw<- function(n,x) {n*pdf(x)*(1-cdf(x))^(n-1)}
    minExpectedValue<-function(n) {integrate(function(x) {x*minLaw(n,x)},0,Inf)}

    #these 2 following lines give an error


2 回答 2


我不得不做一些逆向工程来弄清楚你的d1q1等电话,但我认为这就是你的做法。也许最初的问题在于像f(n=2:3, x=1:9)这样的函数调用;在这样的调用中,n应该是单个值,而不是值向量。


> print(data.frame(n=2:3, x=1:6))
- n x
1 2 1
2 3 2
3 2 3
4 3 4
5 2 5
6 3 6

其中x将在点x=1处使用n=2进行评估,在点x =2 处使用 n= 3等进行评估。您真正想要的是以下内容:

> print(expand.grid(x=1:5, n=2:3))
-  x n
1  1 2
2  2 2
3  3 2
4  4 2
5  5 2
6  1 3
7  2 3
8  3 3
9  4 3
10 5 3


lapply(2:3, FUN=function(n) (f(n, x=1:5)))
#[1] 0.0004981910 0.0006066275 0.0007328627 0.0008786344 0.0010456478
#[1] 0.0007464956 0.0009087272 0.0010974595 0.0013152213 0.0015644676

您是否对所有分布拟合使用了相同的fti,即使它应该不同?还是fti中的i指的是索引i,它是ft[[i]] 形式的拟合列表?


wrapper <- function(i, x, n, fti){
    # As was provided by OP
    g<-function(x) {do.call(paste("d",i,sep=""),c(list(x=x),fti$estimate))}

    G<-function(x) {do.call(paste("p",i,sep=""),c(list(q=x),fti$estimate))}
    # does the i in fti refer to fit of i:th distribution, i.e. should it be a list where i:th location in ft is i:th distribution estimates?

    f<-function(n,x) {n*g(x)*(1-G(x))^(n-1)}
    # was missing a '-' and a '}'

    h<- function(n) {integrate(function(x) {x*f(n,x)},0,Inf)}

    list(gres = g(x), Gres = G(x), fres = f(n,x), hres = h(n))

# Example data
serving <- groundbeef$serving

# Gumbel distribution
d1 <- function(x, a, b) 1/b*exp((a-x)/b)*exp(-exp((a-x)/b))
p1 <- function(q, a, b) exp(-exp((a-q)/b))
q1 <- function(p, a, b) a-b*log(-log(p))

fti1 <- fitdist(serving, "1", start=list(a=10, b=10))
#> fti1$estimate
#       a        b 
#56.95893 29.07871

# Normal distribution

# dnorm, pnorm and qnorm are available in the default environment
d2 <- dnorm
p2 <- pnorm
q2 <- qnorm

fti2 <- fitdist(serving, "2", start=list(mean=0, sd=1))
#> fti2$estimate
#    mean       sd 
#73.67743 35.92581

# Sequence of x-values
xs <- seq(-100, 100, by=1)

print((resultdist1n2 <- wrapper(i=1, x=xs, n=2, fti=fti1))$hres)
print((resultdist1n3 <- wrapper(i=1, x=xs, n=3, fti=fti1))$hres)
print((resultdist2n2 <- wrapper(i=2, x=xs, n=2, fti=fti2))$hres)
print((resultdist2n3 <- wrapper(i=2, x=xs, n=3, fti=fti2))$hres)

plot(xs, resultdist1n2$fres, col=1, type="l", ylim=c(0,0.025), xlab="x", ylab="f(n, x)")
points(xs, resultdist1n3$fres, col=2, type="l")
points(xs, resultdist2n2$fres, col=3, type="l")
points(xs, resultdist2n3$fres, col=4, type="l")
legend("topleft", legend=c("Gamma (i=1) n=2", "Gamma (i=1) n=3", "Normal (i=2) n=2", "Normal (i=2) n=3"), col=1:4, lty=1)

具有不同 i 和 n 的 f 函数

以及在 resultdist1n2$hres 等中找到的所需h的结果:

h(n=2) for distribution i=1:
53.59385 with absolute error < 0.00022
h(n=3) for distribution i=1:
45.23146 with absolute error < 4.5e-05
h(n=2) for distribution i=2:
53.93748 with absolute error < 1.1e-05
h(n=3) for distribution i=2:
44.06331 with absolute error < 2e-05


ns <- 0:256
res1 <- lapply(ns, FUN=function(nseq) wrapper(i=1, x=xs, n=nseq, fti=fti1))
plot.window(xlim=c(-100,100), ylim=c(0, 0.05))
box(); axis(1); axis(2); title(xlab="x", ylab="f(n,x)", main="f(n,x) for gamma (i=1), n=0:256")
for(i in 1:length(ns)) points(xs, res1[[i]]$fres, col=rainbow(257)[i], type="l")
# perform similarly for the other distributions by calling with i=2, fti=fti2
# h as a function of n for dist i=1
plot(ns, unlist(lapply(res1, FUN=function(x) x$hres$value)), col=rainbow(257), xlab="n", ylab="h(n)", main="h(n) for gamma (i=1), n=0:256")


0<=n<=256 个图

于 2013-07-31T12:21:34.597 回答

问题是plot函数的方法期望函数将被向量化。换句话说,如果给定一个长度为 N 的参数,它应该返回一个长度也为 N 的结果向量。

minExpectedValue不满足这一点;它期望这n将是一个标量,并返回一个标量。您可以使用 快速修复此问题Vectorize。在这种情况下,您还需要指定要绘制的参数的名称n

minExpectedValue <- Vectorize(minExpectedValue)
plot(minExpectedValue, xname="n")
于 2013-07-31T13:31:09.590 回答