这是我在 opengl 文档中找到的:

void glGetVertexAttribfv(GLuint index,  GLenum pname,  GLfloat *params);

             params returns four
        values that represent the current value for the
        generic vertex attribute specified by index. Generic
        vertex attribute 0 is unique in that it has no
        current state, so an error will be generated if
        index is 0. The initial value
        for all other generic vertex attributes is
            glGetVertexAttribdv and glGetVertexAttribfv
            return the current attribute values as four single-precision floating-point values;
            glGetVertexAttribiv reads them as floating-point values and
            converts them to four integer values; glGetVertexAttribIiv and
            glGetVertexAttribIuiv read and return them as signed or unsigned
            integer values, respectively; glGetVertexAttribLdv reads and returns
            them as four double-precision floating-point values.



1 回答 1



更详细地说,OpenGL 中有两种类型的属性可用:

  1. 在执行绘制调用(例如, )时处理的已启用顶点数组中为每个顶点更新的那些glDrawArrays
  2. 那些有点像着色器制服,用于为没有关联的启用集合顶点数组的属性提供值。

glVertexAttribPointer例如,假设您使用、 和启用两个数组用作顶点属性glEnableVertexAttribArray,然后通过调用glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, NumPoints ). 在这种情况下,绑定的顶点着色器将被执行NumPoints多次,每次从两个数组中的每一个读取一个新值。

但是,如果您仅在数组上启用(例如,顶点数组零),您可以使用glVertexAttrib函数为属性一设置属性值。如果您再次通过调用 进行渲染glDrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, NumPoints ),则顶点着色器将再次执行NumPoints多次,属性 0 的值将使用已启用的顶点属性数组中的值进行更新,但属性 1 的值是“常量”,并设置为glVertexAttrib.

于 2013-07-31T05:20:34.010 回答