websockserver.h:516: undefined reference to `qfs_init'
websockserver.h:527: undefined reference to `qfs_read'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Rmdir(char const*)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Remove(char const*)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Open(char const*, int, int, int, int, int, int, unsigned short, signed char, signed char)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Write(int, char const*, unsigned long)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Read(int, char*, unsigned long)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Rename(char const*, char const*, bool)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Tell(int)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Seek(int, long, int)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Stat(char const*, KFS::KfsFileAttr&, bool)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Close(int)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Create(char const*, int, bool, int, int, int, int, bool, unsigned short, signed char, signed char)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Sync(int)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::IsDirectory(char const*)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::ErrorCodeToStr(int)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::IsFile(char const*)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Exists(char const*)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Mkdir(char const*, unsigned short)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::KfsClient::Readdir(char const*, std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> >&)'
./cqfs//libcqfs.so: undefined reference to `KFS::Connect(std::string const&, int)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [w] Error 1
websockserver.h:514 到 530
long numbytes;
struct cqfs *qfs;
if(!qfs_init(&qfs, "", 20000))
printf("Failed to init qfs connection\n");
int fd = qfs_open(qfs, "APP.js", O_RDONLY);
if(fd < 0)
printf("Error opening file: %s\n", qfs_error(qfs));
numbytes = (long)qfs_seek(qfs, fd, 0L, SEEK_END);
qfs_seek(qfs, fd, 0L, SEEK_SET);
ret = calloc(numbytes + 1, sizeof(char));
if(qfs_read(qfs, fd, ret, numbytes) < 0)
printf("Error reading file: %s\n", qfs_error(qfs));
qfs_close(qfs, fd);
QFS 提供
libqfs_qcrs 的 .so 和 .a
g++ -Wall -DBOOST_SP_USE_QUICK_ALLOCATOR -shared -o libcqfs.so cqfs.cpp cqfs.h -fPIC -L./libqfs_client.so -L./libqfs_qcdio.so -lpthread -lrt -L./libqfs_io.so -L./libqfs_common.so -L./libqfs_qcdio.so -lpthread -lz -lrt -lboost_regex-mt -lcrypto -L./libqfs_qcrs.so -lc
基于 Quantcast 提供的示例应用程序(不是库):
c++ -Wall -DBOOST_SP_USE_QUICK_ALLOCATOR -g CMakeFiles/qfssample.dir/qfssample_main.o -o qfssample -rdynamic ../../src/cc/libclient/libqfs_client.a ../../src/cc/qcdio/libqfs_qcdio.a -lpthread -lrt ../../src/cc/kfsio/libqfs_io.a ../../src/cc/common/libqfs_common.a ../../src/cc/qcdio/libqfs_qcdio.a -lpthread -lz -lrt -lboost_regex-mt -lcrypto ../../src/cc/qcrs/libqfs_qcrs.a
.a 或 .so 没有区别