Declare @Content table (id int, ParentId int, CreatedOn DateTime, LastCommentOn DateTime)
insert into @Content values
(1, null, GETDATE() - 10, '2001-12-01'),
(2, 1, GETDATE() - 9, GETDATE() - 8),
(3, 1, GETDATE() - 8, GETDATE() - 7),
(4, 1, GETDATE() - 7, GETDATE() - 6),
(5, null, GETDATE() - 6, '2001-12-01'),
(6, 5, GETDATE() - 5, GETDATE() - 4),
(7, 5, GETDATE() - 4, GETDATE() - 3),
(8, null, GETDATE() - 3, '2001-12-01'),
(9, 8, GETDATE() - 2, GETDATE() - 1)
我想将所有主要内容(由 ParentId 标识为 null)更新为对该内容的最后评论的 CreatedOn 日期。
update @Content m
set LastCommentOn = MAX(select CreatedOn from @Content c where c.ParentId = m.Id)
where ParentId is null and LastCommentOn = '2001-12-01'
update @Content
set LastCommentOn = MAX(select CreatedOn from @Content c where c.ParentId = m.Id)
from @Content m
where ParentId is null and LastCommentOn = '2001-12-01'
请问如何在 MSSQL 中执行此操作?
(另外,在 mysql 上的查询是否相同?)
接受的答案在 MS SQL 上效果很好,但是在 MySql 上,我找不到在一个语句中执行此操作的方法,我不得不将查询分成两部分并更新..所以这对我在 mysql 上有用
Create temporary table tmpContentDates
select Max(ParentId) as pid, Max(CreatedOn) as pd
From Content
where ParentId is not null
Group By ParentId;
update Content as c
inner join tmpContentDates d on c.Id = d.pid
set c.LastCommentedOn = d.pd
where ParentId is null
and LastCommentedOn = '2001-12-01';
drop table tmpContentDates;