
如何在 Fiddler 2 中重置我的客户规则文件?出于好奇/实验,我一直在搞乱它,但现在我想重新设置它的规则。


1 回答 1


CustomRules.js 文件是这样开始的:

// This is the FiddlerScript Rules file, which creates some of the menu commands and
// other features of Fiddler. You can edit this file to modify or add new commands.
// The original version of this file is named SampleRules.js and it is in the
// \Program Files\Fiddler\ folder. When Fiddler first starts, it creates a copy named
// CustomRules.js inside your \Documents\Fiddler2\Scripts folder. 


// If you make a mistake in editing this file, simply delete the CustomRules.js file
// and restart Fiddler. A fresh copy of the default rules will be created from the
// original sample rules file.

顺便说一句,如果您使用 Google 搜索reset customrules.js,可以在 #3 结果中找到这些说明,该结果指向 Fiddler2.com 上的官方文档。

您还可以添加工具菜单选项来重置脚本。在 customrules.js 中添加这些。

// Force a manual reload of the script file. Resets all
// RulesOption variables to their defaults.
public static ToolsAction("Reset Script")
function DoManualReload(){


于 2013-07-30T16:48:36.907 回答