I have posts that contain flash videos using tags. I can still see the video or its code when it's scheduled but when the posts get published, the tags are removed resulting to losing the videos I have. I tried to manually edit the time to publish it ahead of time & not wait for 30 mins & the videos are there (not removed at all though published). So videos are removed only when I wait for the posts to get published by wordpress itself. Can somebody enlighten me on what could have caused this? Or probably tell me which file & function I need to check out for when the post goes from scheduled to publish?

How do I skip filtering when posts are transitioned from scheduled/future to published??

Would suggest writing a query to calculate based on contents using the reference info here: http://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server-data-types-reference/

E.g. let's say your table has 2 columns: A varchar(20), and a datetime. Then your query would look something like this:

SELECT RowID, -- Some identifier for the row, e.g. primary key
       LEN(varcharcolumn) + 2 -- Length of varchar is L + 2 bytes
       + 8 -- Length of datetime column is 8 bytes
       ) AS TotalBytes
-- Add WHERE clause to restrict rows in report

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