我已经摸不着头脑了大约一个小时,谷歌已经证明使用有限。我有一个包含图表的报告的 Makefile。图形由目录 graphs/ 中的 .plot 文件表示,并且 gnuplot 用于从它们生成 .tex 和 .eps 文件。然后使用 ps2pdf 从 .eps 生成 pdf,最后\include在 report.tex 中的一个命令将图形 .tex 包含到文档中,该文档再次包含图形 .pdf 以将图形放入最终的 report.pdf 中。

我有一个可以正确构建所有内容的 Makefile,但由于某种原因,每次运行 make 时,make 都会坚持重新制作 report.pdf。阅读make -dMake 的输出后发现:“必须重新制作目标mp-int-2.4-ni'." and "Must remake targetmp-int-2.4-i'。” 每次运行,但这些都被声明为 PHONY,因此不应重新制作,除非它们所依赖的东西发生了变化。或者至少我是这么认为的?



GRAPHS := mp-int-2.4-ni mp-int-2.4-i

.PRECIOUS : graphs/%.pdf

report.pdf: report.tex $(GRAPHS)
    # ...

$(GRAPHS): %: graphs/%.pdf graphs/%.tex

graphs/%.pdf: graphs/%.eps
    # ...

graphs/%.tex graphs/%.eps: graphs/%.plot
    # ...

make -d在 make 已经运行之后

$ make -d | grep -Ev "Trying|Reject|Avoid|intermediate"
Considering target file `report.pdf'.
  Considering target file `report.tex'.
   Looking for an implicit rule for `report.tex'.
   No implicit rule found for `report.tex'.
   Finished prerequisites of target file `report.tex'.
  No need to remake target `report.tex'.
  Considering target file `mp-int-2.4-i'.
   File `mp-int-2.4-i' does not exist.
    Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf'.
     Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf'.
     Found an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf'.
       Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
        Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
        No implicit rule found for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
        Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
       No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
     Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf'.
     Prerequisite `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.eps' of target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf' does not exist.
    No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.pdf'.
    Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
     Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
     Found an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
      Pruning file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
      Pruning file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot'.
     Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
     Prerequisite `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.plot' is older than target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
    No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-i.tex'.
   Finished prerequisites of target file `mp-int-2.4-i'.
  Must remake target `mp-int-2.4-i'.
  Successfully remade target file `mp-int-2.4-i'.
  Considering target file `mp-int-2.4-ni'.
   File `mp-int-2.4-ni' does not exist.
    Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf'.
     Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf'.
     Found an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf'.
       Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
        Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
        No implicit rule found for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
        Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
       No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
     Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf'.
     Prerequisite `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.eps' of target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf' does not exist.
    No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.pdf'.
    Considering target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
     Looking for an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
     Found an implicit rule for `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
      Pruning file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
      Pruning file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot'.
     Finished prerequisites of target file `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
     Prerequisite `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.plot' is older than target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
    No need to remake target `graphs/mp-int-2.4-ni.tex'.
   Finished prerequisites of target file `mp-int-2.4-ni'.
  Must remake target `mp-int-2.4-ni'.
  Successfully remade target file `mp-int-2.4-ni'.
 Finished prerequisites of target file `report.pdf'.
 Prerequisite `report.tex' is older than target `report.pdf'.
 Prerequisite `mp-int-2.4-i' of target `report.pdf' does not exist.
 Prerequisite `mp-int-2.4-ni' of target `report.pdf' does not exist.
Must remake target `report.pdf'.

在以下 Etan Reisner 回答后工作 Makefile:

GRAPHS := mp-int-2.4-i mp-int-2.4-ni
GRAPHS_WD := $(addprefix graphs/,$(GRAPHS))
REAL_GRAPHS := $(addsuffix .pdf,$(GRAPHS_WD)) $(addsuffix .tex,$(GRAPH_SWD))

.PHONY : clean

report.pdf: report.tex $(REAL_GRAPHS)
    # ...

graphs/%.pdf: graphs/%.eps
    # ..

graphs/%.tex graphs/%.eps: graphs/%.plot
    # ..

1 回答 1


PHONY 规则是您告诉 make 与实际文件不对应的规则,因此它不检查文件是否存在,因此它始终假定规则需要运行,因此 report.pdf 具有更新的先决条件(这就是输出告诉你的内容)。

make 文档说“虚假目标不应该是真实目标文件的先决条件;如果是,则每次 make 更新该文件时都会运行其配方。” [参考]

您将这些文件标记为 PHONY 的目的是什么?

于 2013-07-30T14:21:20.230 回答