Jasmin methods (i.e. createSpyOjb) are not recognized though I've added a definition file.
Any idea why is that happening?
Jasmin methods (i.e. createSpyOjb) are not recognized though I've added a definition file.
Any idea why is that happening?
/// <reference path="node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="jasmine.d.ts" />
var fs = jasmine.createSpyObj('fs', ['readfile']);
var callback = jasmine.createSpy('callback');
var rek = require('rekuire');
var proxykuire = rek('proxykuire').proxykuire;
var getMenuDataCommand = rek('GetMenuDataCommand');
describe('GetMenuDataCommand', function () {
var getMenuDataCommand;
var fs;
var callback;
beforeEach(function () {
fs = jasmine.createSpyObj('fs', ['readFile']);
callback = jasmine.createSpy('callback');
var getMenuDataCommand = proxykuire('GetMenuDataCommand', { fs: fs });
getMenuDataCommand = new getMenuDataCommand();
唯一的区别(除非我输入错误)是我的引用更接近我的 TypeScript 文件。我得到了完整的智能感知并且没有错误。
我刚刚在 WebStorm 中测试过,它似乎不支持 TypeScript 0.9,如果你使用 WebStorm,这将是一个绊脚石。(它不识别boolean
类型并且没有得到export = internal;
您可以使用旧版本的定义(从它们更新到 TypeScript 0.9 之前)让您现在开始,然后在 WebStorm 获得 0.9 语言支持时更新。
对于 WebStorm,请参阅此文档:https ://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/webhelp/configuring-javascript-libraries.html ,部分Downloading and installing a JavaScript-related library from WebStorm
有关 Typescript 支持的更多信息: https ://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/webhelp/typescript-support.html
TL;博士; WebStorm 似乎还没有理解 <reference> 。在 WebStorm 设置上配置 JavaScript 库。