我有一个需要用 C++ 处理的 DLL。我正在使用 WxWidgets(标准编译,但我也尝试过 Unicode 开/关)和 NetBeans。我也尝试在没有 WxWidgets ( ) 的情况下处理这个windows.h
以下是我使用 WxWidgets 访问 DLL 函数的方法:
// -------------------- POINTERS TO FUNCTIONS
typedef bool(*TYPE_DLL_SetLicense)(char*, char*);
typedef bool(*TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*);
typedef char*(*TYPE_DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION)(void);
class DLL_Library
// pointers to functions inside dll
TYPE_DLL_SetLicense DLL_SetLicense; //initialize - will wor fine as it returns only true/false (buffer only provide data)
TYPE_DLL_PingConnection DLL_PingConnection; //ping to serwer. Will return trahs, becouse it uses buffer to provide data ang get answear back
TYPE_DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION; //error description. No buffer, no trouble. Returns correct string.
wxDynamicLibrary dynLib2;
int initialize(void)
//patch to dll
wxString path = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath().BeforeLast('\\') + _("\\DLL_dll\\DLLMOK.dll");
if(!wxFile::Exists(path)) return -1;
//load dll
if(!dynLib2.Load(path)) return -2;
//Assign functions in dll to variable
DLL_SetLicense=(TYPE_DLL_SetLicense) dynLib2.GetSymbol(wxT("DLL_SetLicense"));
DLL_PingConnection=(TYPE_DLL_PingConnection) dynLib2.GetSymbol(wxT("DLL_PingConnection"));
return 0;
这是我运行的功能。它应该返回和 XML 内容,我尝试将其保存到文件中。
//result ping to be save in file
wxFile file_ping_xml;
char buffor_ping_xml[2000];
//I run the function here
bool is_ping = DLL_PingConnection(buffor_ping_xml);
tex_box->AppendText(wxT("DLL_PingConnection True\n"));
//we save result to file
bool is_write_ping_ok = file_ping_xml.Write(buffor_ping_xml,2000);
if (is_write_ping_ok){tex_box->AppendText(wxT("Save to file is ok ok\n"));}
else {tex_box->AppendText(wxT("Save to file failed :( \n"));}
tex_box->AppendText(wxT("DLL_PingConnection False\n"));
std::cout << "Error description: " << DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION() << "\n"; //will work fine both in saving to file, and in streaming to screen.
char buffer[2000] //buffer will contain for example file xml
function do_sth_with_xml(buffer) //buffer containing xml will (should) be overwriten with xml results of the function - in our case DLL_PingCONNECTION should save in buffer xml with connection data
文档说 DLL 在 Windows-1250 上运行。我已将文件ping.xml
设置为 windows ANSI,但我认为问题不在于这里。
编辑:我写了没有 WxWidgets 的问题(我使用加载 DLL windows.h
)-同样的问题。这是代码:在 char* 中获取垃圾数据,同时在函数中将其用作缓冲区。请帮忙 :(