我正在构建一个支持链接资源扩展的 ReST API,但我不知道如何使用 ServiceStack 的本机绑定功能将 URL 转换为填充的“请求 DTO”对象。

例如,假设我的 API 允许您使用此请求检索有关乐队的信息:

GET /bands/123

< 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
    "href": "/bands/123",
    "name": "Van Halen",
    "genre": "Rock",
    "albums" {
        "href" : "/bands/1/albums",


GET /bands/1?expand=albums

< 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
    "href": "/bands/123",
    "name": "Van Halen",
    "genre": "Rock",
    "albums" {
        "href" : "/bands/1/albums",
        "items": [
            { "href" : "/bands/1/albums/17892" },
            { "href" : "/bands/1/albums/28971" }

我正在使用 ServiceStack,我想通过重用现有的服务方法来执行这个内联扩展。

我的 ServiceStack 响应 DTO 如下所示:

public class BandDto {
    public string Href { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public AlbumListDto Albums { get; set; }

public class AlbumListDto {
    public string Href { get; set; }
    public IList<AlbumDto> Items { get; set;}

public class AlbumDto {
    public string Href { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int ReleaseYear { get; set; }

我的 ServiceStack 请求/路由对象是这样的:

[Route("/bands/{BandId}", "GET")]
public class Band : IReturn<BandDto> { 
    public string Expand { get; set; }
    public int BandId { get; set; }

[Route("/bands/{BandId}/albums", "GET")]
public class BandAlbums : IReturn<AlbumListDto> { 
    public int BandId { get; set; }


public class BandAlbumService : Service {
    public object Get(BandAlbums request) {

public class BandService : Service {

    private IMusicDatabase db;
    private BandAlbumService bandAlbumService;

    public BandService(IMusicDatabase musicDb, BandAlbumService bandAlbumService) {
        this.db = musicDb;
        this.bandAlbumService = bandAlbumService;

    public object Get(Band request) {
        var result = musicDb.GetBand(request.BandId);

        if (request.Expand.Contains("albums")) {
            // OK, I already have the string /bands/123/albums
            // How do I translate this into a BandAlbums object
            // so I can just invoke BandAlbumService.Get(albums)

            var albumsRequest = Translate(result.Albums.Href);
            result.Albums = bandAlbumService.Get(albumsRequest);

在上面的示例中,假设我将字符串计算/bands/123/albums为 Van Halen 专辑列表的 HREF。

我现在如何使用 ServiceStack 的内置绑定功能将字符串/bands/123/albums转换为可以直接传递给 BandAlbumService 的 BandAlbums“请求”对象,取回填充的 BandAlbumsDto 对象并将其包含在我的响应对象中?



1 回答 1


RestPath 应该能够帮助您:


var restPath = EndpointHostConfig.Instance.Metadata.Routes.RestPaths.Single(x => x.RequestType == typeof(AlbumRequest));
var request = restPath.CreateRequest("/bands/123/albums")
于 2013-07-30T13:03:32.910 回答