s 的线程安全含义。我在 Stack Overflow 的其他地方发现了这个:
如果在 UI 线程上创建了 BackgroundWorker,DoWork 将在线程池线程上运行,而 RunWorkerCompleted 将在 UI 线程上运行。
如果在后台线程(即不是 UI 线程)上创建了 BackgroundWorker,DoWork 仍将在线程池线程上运行,而 RunWorkerCompleted 也将在线程池线程上运行。
class TestingClass
private BackgroundWorker _bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
private int _counter = 0;
private readonly int _creatorID;
public TestingClass()
_creatorID = Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId;
_bgWorker.DoWork += DoAsyncWork;
_bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += CompleteAsyncWork;
public void IncrementCounter()
// We only allow the creator of this instance to call this function
// because instances of this class will not be shared with other threads.
Debug.Assert(_creatorID == Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId);
private void DoAsyncWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
int i = 0;
while (i < 100000)
private void CompleteAsyncWork(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
// Apparently _creatorID == Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId isn't guaranteed here!
// Modification of member variable after the asynchronous part
// has been completed.