所以我看到了一个奇怪的行为,我询问了服务器故障,但它看起来是一个代码问题。问题是当我使用 MAMP 进行本地测试时,这段代码运行良好,一旦我把它放在 HostGator 上,我就会感到奇怪。


  1. 上传文件;
  2. 检查事物的状态;
  3. 解压文件;
  4. 读入一个数据文件;
  5. 复制和缩略图图像;
  6. 将数据转储到数据库中。

我知道 1 到 5 会发生,因为我可以看到缩略图。奇怪的是我从第 2 步得到一个错误,说文件没有上传。所以看起来整个过程都是从“空白” POST 数据开始的。

所以,第 1 步就是这段代码。发布我的表单时调用它:

function action_upload() {
    $ownerName = $this->request->post('ownerName', '');
    $ownerEmail = $this->request->post('ownerEmail', '');
    $ownerPhone = $this->request->post('ownerPhone', '');
    $username = $this->request->post('username', '');
    $password = $this->request->post('password', '');
    $treeName = $this->request->post('treeName', '');

    $error = $this->util->process_datafile($ownerName, $ownerEmail, $ownerPhone, $username, $password, false, $treeName);

    if ($error != "") {
        echo json_encode(array(
            'error' => $error,
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array(
            'gotoURL' => "/" . $treeName,

该操作读取一些表单字段并调用一个process_datafile处理上传文件的函数。下面是那个函数,我收到的错误来自第 9 行,“没有提供树名”。但我知道它在某些时候会超越那个错误。

public function process_datafile($ownerName, $ownerEmail, $ownerPhone, $username, $password, $update, $treeName) {

    // Make sure we have a tree name
    if ($treeName != "") {
        $this->scriptPath = dirname(__FILE__);
        $this->treePath = dirname(dirname($this->scriptPath)) . "/assets/trees/" . $treeName . "/";
        $this->tempFilePath = dirname(dirname($this->scriptPath)) . "/assets/temp/" . $this->guid() . "/";
    } else {
        return "No tree name provided";

    // Check to make sure the tree is in the expect condition
    $treeExists = false;
    if (file_exists($this->treePath)) {
        $treeExists = true;
    if ($treeExists && !$update) {
        return "Tree name already exists " . $this->treePath;
    } else if (!$treeExists && $update) {
        return "Tree does not exists";

    // Make sure there are no upload errors
    if ($_FILES['treeFile']['error'] == '1' || $_FILES['treeFile']['error'] == '2') {
        return "File size to large, try to upload your tree without media.";
    } else if ($_FILES['treeFile']['error'] != '0') {
        return "File upload error: " . $_FILES['treeFile']['error'];

    // Move the uploaded file
    if (!file_exists($this->tempFilePath)) {
        mkdir($this->tempFilePath, 0700, true);
    $name = $_FILES["treeFile"]["name"];
    $tempfile = $this->tempFilePath . $name;
    copy($_FILES['treeFile']['tmp_name'], $tempfile);

    // Make sure it is something we can deal with
    $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
    $fileparts = explode(";", finfo_file($finfo, $tempfile));
    $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
    $filetype = $fileparts[0];
    $valid = "text/plain,image/png";
    if (($filetype != "text/plain" && $filetype != "application/zip") || ($ext != "ged" && $ext != "zip")) {
        return "Only gedcom (.ged) or archive (.zip) files may be uploaded.";

    $gedfile = $tempfile;
    $archive_tmp = "";
    if ($filetype == "application/zip" && $ext == "zip") {
        $archive_tmp = $this->tempFilePath . "archive/";
        if (!file_exists($archive_tmp)) {
            mkdir($archive_tmp, 0700, true);

        // Extract the archive
        $zip = new \ZipArchive;
        $res = $zip->open($tempfile);
        if ($res === TRUE) {
        } else {
            return "Error processing archive";

        // Find the gedcom
        $found = false;
        $it = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($archive_tmp);
        foreach(new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $file)
            $file_ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
            if (strtolower($file_ext) == "ged") {
                $gedfile = $file;
                $found = true;

        if (!$found) {
            return "Could not find gedcom (.ged) file in archive.";

    // Make the tree folder if needed
    if (!file_exists($this->treePath)) {
        mkdir($this->treePath, 0700, true);
        $this->mediaPath = $this->treePath . "media/";
    if (!file_exists($this->mediaPath)) {
        mkdir($this->mediaPath, 0700, true);
    if (file_exists($this->treePath . "tree.ged")) {
        unlink($this->treePath . "tree.ged");
    copy($gedfile, $this->treePath . "tree.ged");

    // Deal with the database
    if (!$this->create_database($ownerName, $ownerEmail, $ownerPhone, $username, $password, $update)) {
        return "Could not open database";

    // Process the gedcom
    $this->process_gedcom($this->mediaPath, $archive_tmp);

    // Remove the temp folder

    return "";

我知道在某些时候它会进入process_gedcom缩略图发生的位置......我也知道它永远不会进入,foreach ($ged->people as $person)因为数据库中没有条目。

private function process_gedcom($mediaPath, $archivePath) {
    // Insert statements
    $personInsert = "INSERT INTO people   (id, gender, first, last, middle, title, suffix) VALUES (:id, :gender, :first, :last, :middle, :title, :suffix)";
    $nameInsert   = "INSERT INTO names    (personID, `type`, first, last) VALUES (:id, :type, :first, :last)";
    $familyInsert = "INSERT INTO families (id, personAID, personBID) VALUES (:id, :personAID, :personBID)";
    $childInsert  = "INSERT INTO children (familyID, `type`, personID) VALUES (:familyID, :type, :personID)";
    $eventInsert  = "INSERT INTO events   (personID, familyID, `type`, date, place, description) VALUES (:personID, :familyID, :type, :date, :place, :description)";
    $factInsert   = "INSERT INTO facts    (personID, name, value) VALUES (:personID, :name, :value)";
    $mediaInsert  = "INSERT INTO media    (id, file, `type`, title) VALUES (:id, :file, :type, :title)";
    $peopleMediaInsert = "INSERT INTO people_media (mediaID, personID) VALUES (:mediaID, :personID)";
    $familyMediaInsert = "INSERT INTO family_media (mediaID, familyID) VALUES (:mediaID, :familyID)";

    // Load in the gedcom file
    $ged = new \App\Gedcom();
    $ged->import($this->treePath . "tree.ged", array($this, 'log'));

    // Add objects to the database
    foreach ($ged->objects as $obj) {
        $file = $this->findFile($obj->getFilename(), $archivePath);
        if ($file !== false) {
            $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
            $fileparts = explode(";", finfo_file($finfo, $file));
            $filetype = $fileparts[0];
            $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
            $hash = md5_file($file);
            copy($file, $mediaPath . $hash . "." . $ext);
            $this->makeThumb($mediaPath . $hash . "." . $ext, 200, 200, "thumb");
            $this->makeThumb($mediaPath . $hash . "." . $ext, 1024, 768, "resized");
            $this->database($mediaInsert, array(':id'    => $obj->getId(),
                                                ':file'  => $hash . "." . $ext,
                                                ':type'  => $filetype,
                                                ':title' => $obj->getTitle()));

    // Add people to the databsse
    foreach ($ged->people as $person) {
        $this->database($personInsert, array(':id'     => $person->getId(),
                                             ':gender' => $person->getGender(),
                                             ':first'  => $person->getFirstName(),
                                             ':last'   => $person->getLastName(),
                                             ':middle' => $person->getMiddleName(),
                                             ':title'  => $person->getTitleName(),
                                             ':suffix' => $person->getSuffixName()));




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