我想在来自 XML 的 android 端值的 web 视图中设置换行符。我在 XML 中使用(/n)标签,但它不被接受。我不知道如何在段落中创建新行,我也想在其中设置背景图像来自drawable文件夹的webview图像...
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
Bundle b = getIntent().getExtras();
desc=(WebView) findViewById(R.id.description);
String htmlText = "%s ";
String description = "<html><body>" + "<p align=\"justify\" >"+"<font color=\"black\"><br>"+ b.getString("desc")+ "<br/></p>" + "</body></html>";
desc.loadData(String.format(htmlText, description), "text/html", "utf-8");
<desc>A summary of your objectives,educational qualification,experience,skills relevant to the field of work you are going to enter.Here you can detail down each.It highlights your accomplishments to show a potential employer that you are qualified for the work you want.Remember it is not a biography of everything you have done.Its core PURPOSE is to get you an interview.A resume can or should reflect more than just your education.As a fresher the experience lies in the projects,seminars,workshops etc. you pursue during your academics.Showcase your important details like extra – curricular,volunteer & leadership experiences.Tailoring separate resumes to fit each career field in which you are job searching may be important.Some people create slightly different resumes tailored to each job opening.