Are there any testing platforms out there for testing WAP/WML pages besides that provided by Nokia? I have tried to get ahold of the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit but it's too tied down with authentication and certificates etc.

Nokia software is like Adobe and......sucks.


2 回答 2


It's not really wap-oriented, but Aptana does have a plugin for symbian widgets, which I think is mostly html.

于 2009-11-24T22:30:06.117 回答

Openwave 曾经为此做一个 SDK,这对于测试与 Openwave 移动浏览器附带的大量手机的兼容性非常有用。由于 Openwave 出售了他们的浏览器业务,因此在他们的网站或其继任者的网站上不再可用 - 他们似乎已经删除了所有开发人员支持信息。

但谷歌搜索“Openwave SDK”可能会有所帮助。

于 2010-08-27T15:54:13.460 回答