我正在尝试读取 csv 文件,numpy.genfromtxt但其中一些字段是包含逗号的字符串。字符串用引号引起来,但 numpy 没有将引号识别为定义单个字符串。例如,使用 't.csv' 中的数据:

2012, "Louisville KY", 3.5
2011, "Lexington, KY", 4.0


np.genfromtxt('t.csv', delimiter=',')


ValueError:检测到一些错误!第 2 行(得到 4 列而不是 3 列)


array([['2012', 'Louisville KY', '3.5'],
       ['2011', 'Lexington, KY', '4.0']], 

查看文档,我看不到任何处理此问题的选项。有没有办法用 numpy 来做,还是我只需要用csv模块读入数据然后将其转换为 numpy 数组?


5 回答 5


You can use pandas (the becoming default library for working with dataframes (heterogeneous data) in scientific python) for this. It's read_csv can handle this. From the docs:

quotechar : string

The character to used to denote the start and end of a quoted item. Quoted items 
can include the delimiter and it will be ignored.

The default value is ". An example:

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: from StringIO import StringIO

In [3]: s="""year, city, value
   ...: 2012, "Louisville KY", 3.5
   ...: 2011, "Lexington, KY", 4.0"""

In [4]: pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), quotechar='"', skipinitialspace=True)
   year           city  value
0  2012  Louisville KY    3.5
1  2011  Lexington, KY    4.0

The trick here is that you also have to use skipinitialspace=True to deal with the spaces after the comma-delimiter.

Apart from a powerful csv reader, I can also strongly advice to use pandas with the heterogeneous data you have (the example output in numpy you give are all strings, although you could use structured arrays).

于 2013-07-30T08:37:54.683 回答


csv.reader()一个简单的解决方案是使用python 的csv模块将文件读取到一个列表中,然后根据需要将其转储到一个 numpy 数组中。

如果您真的想使用np.genfromtxt,请注意它可以使用迭代器而不是文件,例如np.genfromtxt(my_iterator, ...). 因此,您可以将 a 包装csv.reader在迭代器中并将其提供给np.genfromtxt.


import csv
import numpy as np

np.genfromtxt(("\t".join(i) for i in csv.reader(open('myfile.csv'))), delimiter="\t")


于 2013-07-29T20:18:04.053 回答

如果您使用的是 numpy,您可能希望使用 numpy.ndarray。这会给你一个 numpy.ndarray:

import pandas
data = pandas.read_csv('file.csv').as_matrix()

Pandas 将正确处理“肯塔基州列克星敦”案

于 2016-05-05T21:22:16.840 回答

csv结合标准模块和 Numpy 的强大功能做出更好的功能recfromcsv。例如,该csv模块对方言、引号、转义字符等有很好的控制和自定义,您可以将其添加到下面的示例中。

下面的示例genfromcsv_mod函数读取一个类似于 Microsoft Excel 所见的复杂 CSV 文件,该文件可能在引用字段中包含逗号。在内部,该函数有一个生成器函数,它用制表符分隔符重写每一行。

import csv
import numpy as np

def recfromcsv_mod(fname, **kwargs):
    def rewrite_csv_as_tab(fname):
        with open(fname, newline='') as fp:
            dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(fp.read(1024))
            for row in csv.reader(fp, dialect):
                yield "\t".join(row)
    return np.recfromcsv(
        rewrite_csv_as_tab(fname), delimiter="\t", encoding=None, **kwargs)

# Use it to read a CSV file into a record array
x = recfromcsv_mod("t.csv", case_sensitive=True)
于 2017-01-30T06:26:39.127 回答

你可以试试这段代码。我们正在从 np.genfromtext() 方法 代码中读取 .csv 文件:

myfile = np.genfromtxt('MyData.csv', delimiter = ',')
myfile = myfile.astype('int64')


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于 2021-11-13T05:00:52.480 回答