
function query_tabel ($sql){
    $query = $sql;
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $kolomen_tellen = mysql_num_fields($result);
    if (!$result) {
        die("Error Query: " . mysql_error());
    print "<table border=1>\n";

        print "<tr>";
            for ($column_num = 0; $column_num < $kolomen_tellen; $column_num++)
                $fieldname = mysql_field_name($result, $column_num);
                print "<TH>$fieldname</TH>";
            print "</tr>";

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        print ("<TR>");
        for     ($column_num = 0; $column_num < $kolomen_tellen; $column_num++)
            print ("<TD>$row[$column_num]</TD>\n");
        print ("</TR>\n");
    print "</table>";



function query_tabel_edit ($sql, $filename){
    $query = $sql;
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $kolomen_tellen = mysql_num_fields($result);
    if (!$result) {
        die("Error Query: " . mysql_error());
    print "<table class=edit>\n";

        print "<tr>";
            for ($column_num = 0; $column_num < $kolomen_tellen; $column_num++)
                $fieldname = mysql_field_name($result, $column_num);
                print "<TH class=edit>$fieldname</TH>";
            print "</tr>";

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        print "<form action=$filename method=post>";
        print ("<TR>");
        for     ($column_num = 0; $column_num < $kolomen_tellen; $column_num++)
            print ("<TD class=edit> <input class=edit type=text name=$row[$column_num] value=$row[$column_num] </TD>\n"); 
            print ("<TD class=edit> <input class=edit type=submit name=update value=edit> <TD>\n");
        print ("</TR>\n");
    print "</table>";

所以我添加了编辑链接,就像一个魅力,但我如何以及在哪里创建和放置修改记录的 SQL 行。?

知道如何创建此编辑 sql 语句,我是否需要将数据 sql 行放在我的函数或调用该函数的 PHP 文件中?


1 回答 1


你可以或多或少地这样做。很难做到这一点完全灵活,因为您需要知道如何构建您的更新语句。这意味着您必须知道要更新哪个表和哪些字段。您不能依赖 HTML 表单中的内容,因为有人可能会伪造假表单并发布非法字段名称,从而使您容易受到攻击。


请注意,我已经使用了这些mysql函数,因为您正在使用它们并且我不想强迫您更改它,但是它们已被弃用,强烈建议您更改为 mysqli 或 PDO。

使用 mysqli 您还可以使用准备好的语句。但这也是我留给您在文档中阅读的内容。

我与您的代码相比,最重要的变化是我使用mysql_fetch_array了 ,它返回一个值数组,其中还包含字段名称作为键。这样,您可以使用这些名称进行编辑,并且您会在$_POST数据中找到这些名称。从那里开始,您应该能够多解一些谜题以使其正常工作。


// This is how to do it in a single script: Check if a value is posted and 
// act on it.
// If you have separate scripts, you don't actually need this, although it's 
// still a good idea to thoroughly check the input to your scripts to prevent
// attacks from malicious users.

if (array_key_exists('id', $_POST)
  // Post data found. Update record.

  // Assuming id is an integer, I int-cast it. If it's not, make sure to 
  // properly escape it or you'll be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks!
  $id = (int)$_POST['id'];

  // You will need to validate if the posted field names are valid. You can
  // do this by specifying a list of updatable fields and then check if the 
  // posted values are in that list. 
  // You could also run query to get the field names from the database, so
  // so you will have more flexibility.
  // You can also store the fields to be updated in the session of the user
  // That will save you a query, but you'll have to read about sessions as well.
  $updatableFields = array('firstname', 'lastname');

  foreach ($_POST as $fieldname => $value)
    // Validate the field names! You don't want field names that don't 
    // exist, or your query will break. Also, it will make you vulnerable 
    // to SQL injection attacks.
    if (array_search($fieldname, $updatableFields) !== false)
      $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
      $update[] = "$fieldname = '$value'";
  $sql = 'UPDATE YourTable SET ' . implode($update) . " WHERE id = $id";
  // Execute statement.
  // Query your database here
  // <<code omitted>> 

  // Show edit form
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    foreach ($row as $fieldname => $value)
      $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
      $type = 'text';
      // Store the id in an hidden input, so you know which row to update.
      if ($fieldname == 'id')
        $type = 'hidden';
    <label for="<?=$fieldname?>"><?=$fieldname?></label>
    <input type="<?=$type?>" id="<?=$fieldname?>" name="<?=$fieldname?>" value="<?=$value?>">
    <input type="submit" value="save">

于 2013-07-29T20:04:18.653 回答