|Month |Id |BehaviorName |Count |
|1 |NULL| |0 |
|2 |NULL| |0 |
|3 |NULL| |0 |
|4 |NULL| |0 |
|5 |NULL| |0 |
|6 |4 |Name1 |2 |
|7 |4 |Name1 |5 |
|7 |3 |NameElse |7 |
|8 |NULL| |0 |
|9 |NULL| |0 |
|10 |NULL| |0 |
|11 |NULL| |0 |
|12 |NULL| |0 |
这是一个非常简单的结果集,但数据可能或多或少复杂。此处输出的数据将与 Telerik RadChart 控件一起用于绘图目的。本质上,我需要做的是获取上面的结果集,并根据指定 ID 的实例数进行镜像,以便可以将其绘制为单独的系列
因此,例如名为 Name1 的 BehaviorName 会有它自己的结果集,例如
|Month |Id |BehaviorName |Count |
|1 |NULL| |0 |
|2 |NULL| |0 |
|3 |NULL| |0 |
|4 |NULL| |0 |
|5 |NULL| |0 |
|6 |4 |Name1 |2 |
|7 |4 |Name1 |5 |
|8 |NULL| |0 |
|9 |NULL| |0 |
|10 |NULL| |0 |
|11 |NULL| |0 |
|12 |NULL| |0 |
和 BehaviorName 标题为 NameElse 会有它自己的结果集,比如
|Month |Id |BehaviorName |Count |
|1 |NULL| |0 |
|2 |NULL| |0 |
|3 |NULL| |0 |
|4 |NULL| |0 |
|5 |NULL| |0 |
|6 |NULL| |0 |
|7 |3 |NameElse |7 |
|8 |NULL| |0 |
|9 |NULL| |0 |
|10 |NULL| |0 |
|11 |NULL| |0 |
|12 |NULL| |0 |
我已决定在我的应用程序中采用单个结果集并尝试通过 LINQ 将其拆分为单独的分组。我的问题是什么是最好的方法?
var series = from occurence in fetched.YearlyTotals.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
group occurence by g.Field<int>("TargetedBehaviorId") into occurences
select new
Behavior = occurences.Key,
Occurences = from o in occurences
select new
Month = o.Field<int>("Month"),
TargetedBehaviorId = o.Field<int>("TargetedBehaviorId"),
BehaviorName = o.Field<string>("BehaviorName"),
Count = o.Field<int>("Count")
目前这将忽略任何空字段,但我需要在系列中每个月包含与上述结果集匹配的每个唯一行。目前这个 LINQ 语句只给了我 3 行数据。
此外,如果有一种更简单的方法可以在 SQL 端完成,我也不反对使用它。
private class OccurrenceItem
public int TargetedBehaviorId { get; set; }
public int Month { get; set; }
public int Count { get; set; }
public string BehaviorName { get; set; }
public OccurrenceItem()
//Gets a list of all the months that are returne from the query
//Always returns all 12 months
int[] months = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 };
var currentBehaviors = from behaviors in fetched.TargetedBehaviors
select behaviors;
var emptySet = (from month in months
from behavior in currentBehaviors
select new OccurrenceItem
Month = month,
TargetedBehaviorId = behavior.AssignedBehaviorId,
BehaviorName = behavior.Behavior,
Count = 0
var occurences = (from o in fetched.YearlyTotals.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
select new OccurrenceItem {
Month = o.Field<int>("Month"),
TargetedBehaviorId = o.Field<int>("TargetedBehaviorId"),
BehaviorName = o.Field<string>("BehaviorName"),
Count = o.Field<int>("Count")
var merged = occurences.Union(emptySet)
.GroupBy(x => new {
}).Select(x => new OccurrenceItem {
Month = x.Key.Month,
TargetedBehaviorId = x.Key.TargetedBehaviorId,
BehaviorName = x.Key.BehaviorName,
Count = (from y in x
select y.Count).Sum()
}).OrderBy(x => x.Month);