I have a a list of a million pairs of integers (a,b). How can I prepare a data structure in python with the following property? When I see a new pair of integers I would like to be able to tell if it overlaps any existing pair in my list very quickly? Assuming b > a and d > c I say that (a,b) and (c,d) overlap if (a <= c and b >= c) or (a<=d and b>=d) or both a and b are between c and d.

Can this be done somehow in log time?


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您可以预处理现有数据,使您的数据由不重叠的间隔组成。也就是说,如果 (a,b) 和 (c,d) 相交,您可以将它们合并为单个区间 (a,d) 或 (a,b) 或 (c,b) 或 (c,d),具体取决于重叠的性质。

有关此步骤的更多详细信息:根据它们的起点(终点作为辅助键)对间隔进行排序。合并步骤可以在 O(n) 时间完成。


于 2013-07-29T18:52:50.173 回答