I have an application that displays my razor views of servicestack endpoints as expected on localhost. However when deployed to azure websites a particular page displays the metadata page for some reason. I don't know how to work out what has gone wrong as it all works on my machine :).

For reference, the view name matches the return DTO. I've tried the site in release mode on my machine. All other pages display as expected on azure and locally. I've cleared the cache and re-started the site from the control panel. I'm running out of things to try.

Any ideas appreciated.


1 回答 1



  1. 使用PostmancURLFiddler观察您的计算机和网站之间的 HTTP 流量,在 HTTP 标头、请求和响应中寻找线索。

  2. 使用FileZilla,通过 FTP 连接到您的网站。将 的内容下载/site/wwwroot到本地计算机上的新目录。将此添加为 IIS 中的虚拟网站并在本地运行。您将运行与部署完全相同的代码。

  3. 以与ASP.NET 跟踪类似的方式使用跟踪来检测您的应用程序,并查找异常或任何其他奇怪的行为。

  4. 有关其他资源,请参阅网站故障排除。

于 2013-07-29T19:16:06.583 回答