我一直在为 Android 编写像游戏这样的太空入侵者,我有点担心我的代码中有多少重复(将会出现)。在游戏中将会有 EDIT: 45 个敌人,每个都有一个命中框和射击功能。我从一开始就认为我应该创造一系列敌人,这些敌人使用了几种方法,但从未制造过。我怎样才能减少重复?或者,我应该继续走这条路吗?
import android.graphics.Rect;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Enemy
private int maxHealth, currentHealth, power, speedX, speedY, centerX, centerY;
private Background bg = GameScreen.getBg1();
private Ship ship = GameScreen.getShip();
public static Rect xguy1Rect = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
public static Rect xguy2Rect = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
public static Rect xguy3Rect = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
public static Rect xguy4Rect = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
public static Rect xguy5Rect = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
public static Rect xguy6Rect = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
public static Rect xguy7Rect = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
private boolean isMovingRight = true;
private boolean isMovingLeft = false;
private boolean xguy1IsShooting = false;
private boolean xguy2IsShooting = false;
private boolean xguy3IsShooting = false;
private ArrayList<EnemyProjectile> eProjectiles = new ArrayList<EnemyProjectile>();
//Behavioral Methods
public void update() {
//centerX += speedY;
speedY = bg.getSpeedY();
speedX = 1;
xguy1Rect.set(GameScreen.xguy1.getCenterX() +22, GameScreen.xguy1.getCenterY()-1 , GameScreen.xguy1.getCenterX() + 4+22, GameScreen.xguy1.getCenterY() );
xguy2Rect.set(GameScreen.xguy2.getCenterX()+22, GameScreen.xguy2.getCenterY() -1, GameScreen.xguy2.getCenterX() +4+22, GameScreen.xguy2.getCenterY() );
xguy3Rect.set(GameScreen.xguy3.getCenterX() +22 , GameScreen.xguy3.getCenterY()-1, GameScreen.xguy3.getCenterX() +4+22, GameScreen.xguy3.getCenterY() );
xguy4Rect.set(GameScreen.xguy4.getCenterX() +22, GameScreen.xguy4.getCenterY()-1 , GameScreen.xguy4.getCenterX() + 4+22, GameScreen.xguy4.getCenterY() );
xguy5Rect.set(GameScreen.xguy5.getCenterX()+22, GameScreen.xguy5.getCenterY() -1, GameScreen.xguy5.getCenterX() +4+22, GameScreen.xguy5.getCenterY() );
xguy6Rect.set(GameScreen.xguy6.getCenterX() +22 , GameScreen.xguy6.getCenterY()-1, GameScreen.xguy6.getCenterX() +4+22, GameScreen.xguy6.getCenterY() );
xguy7Rect.set(GameScreen.xguy7.getCenterX() +22 , GameScreen.xguy7.getCenterY()-1, GameScreen.xguy7.getCenterX() +4+22, GameScreen.xguy7.getCenterY() );
public void autoFire()
int num = 1 + (int)(Math.random() * ((250 - 1) + 1));
if(num == 4 || num == 6 || num == 8 && xguy1IsShooting == false)
if(GameScreen.xguy1IsAlive == true)
if(num == 1 || num == 3 || num == 5 && xguy2IsShooting == false)
if(GameScreen.xguy2IsAlive == true)
if(num == 12 || num == 15 || num == 17 && xguy3IsShooting == false)
if(GameScreen.xguy3IsAlive == true)
public void moveRight()
if(isMovingRight == true)
centerX += speedX;
if(centerX >= 630)
isMovingRight = false;
isMovingLeft = true;
public void moveLeft()
if(isMovingLeft == true)
centerX -= speedX;
if(centerX <= 10)
isMovingLeft = false;
isMovingRight = true;
public void changeMovement()
//causes delayed death - xguys only die after going right
if(centerX >= 630)
isMovingRight = false;
if(isMovingRight == false)
isMovingLeft = true;
public void die()
public void xguy1Attack()
EnemyProjectile e = new EnemyProjectile(GameScreen.xguy1.getCenterX()-6, GameScreen.xguy1.getCenterY());
xguy1IsShooting = false;
public void xguy2Attack()
EnemyProjectile e = new EnemyProjectile(GameScreen.xguy2.getCenterX()-6, GameScreen.xguy2.getCenterY());
xguy2IsShooting = false;
public void xguy3Attack()
EnemyProjectile e = new EnemyProjectile(GameScreen.xguy3.getCenterX()-6, GameScreen.xguy3.getCenterY() );
xguy3IsShooting = false;
public int getMaxHealth() {
return maxHealth;
public int getCurrentHealth() {
return currentHealth;
public int getPower() {
return power;
public int getSpeedY() {
return speedY;
public int getCenterX() {
return centerX;
public int getCenterY() {
return centerY;
public Background getBg() {
return bg;
public void setMaxHealth(int maxHealth) {
this.maxHealth = maxHealth;
public void setCurrentHealth(int currentHealth) {
this.currentHealth = currentHealth;
public void setPower(int power) {
this.power = power;
public void setSpeedX(int speedX) {
this.speedY = speedX;
public void setCenterX(int centerX) {
this.centerX = centerX;
public void setCenterY(int centerY) {
this.centerY = centerY;
public void setBg(Background bg) {
this.bg = bg;
public ArrayList getEProjectiles() {
return eProjectiles;
..................................................... ......
import android.graphics.Rect;
public class Projectile {
private int x, y, speedY;
private boolean visible;
private Rect r;
public Projectile(int startX, int startY)
x = startX;
y = startY;
speedY = 7;
visible = true;
r = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
public void update()
y -= speedY;
r.set(x, y, x + 4, y + 10);
if (y < -10) {
visible = false;
if (visible)
private void checkCollision()
if(Rect.intersects(r, Enemy.xguy1Rect) && GameScreen.xguy1IsAlive == true)
visible = false;
GameScreen.score += 10;
GameScreen.xguy1IsAlive = false;
else if(Rect.intersects(r, Enemy.xguy2Rect) && GameScreen.xguy2IsAlive == true)
visible = false;
GameScreen.score += 10;
GameScreen.xguy2IsAlive = false;
else if(Rect.intersects(r, Enemy.xguy3Rect) && GameScreen.xguy3IsAlive == true)
visible = false;
GameScreen.score += 10;
GameScreen.xguy3IsAlive = false;
else if(Rect.intersects(r, Enemy.xguy4Rect) && GameScreen.xguy4IsAlive == true)
visible = false;
GameScreen.score += 10;
GameScreen.xguy4IsAlive = false;
else if(Rect.intersects(r, Enemy.xguy5Rect) && GameScreen.xguy5IsAlive == true)
visible = false;
GameScreen.score += 10;
GameScreen.xguy5IsAlive = false;
else if(Rect.intersects(r, Enemy.xguy6Rect) && GameScreen.xguy6IsAlive == true)
visible = false;
GameScreen.score += 10;
GameScreen.xguy6IsAlive = false;
else if(Rect.intersects(r, Enemy.xguy7Rect) && GameScreen.xguy7IsAlive == true)
visible = false;
GameScreen.score += 10;
GameScreen.xguy7IsAlive = false;
if(GameScreen.xguy1IsAlive == false && GameScreen.xguy2IsAlive == false
&& GameScreen.xguy3IsAlive == false)
GameScreen.allEnemiesAreDead = true;
// if(r.intersect(GameScreen.saucer.sRect))
// {
// visible = false;
// GameScreen.score += 100;
// GameScreen.saucerIsAlive = false;
// System.out.println("you hit the alien!");
// }
public int getX() {
return x;
public int getY() {
return y;
public int getSpeedY() {
return speedY;
public boolean isVisible() {
return visible;
public void setX(int x) {
this.x = x;
public void setY(int y) {
this.y = y;
public void setSpeedY(int speedY) {
this.speedY = speedY;
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
this.visible = visible;
我认为如果我要继续沿着这条路径并分别初始化、设置和检查 28 个矩形上的碰撞,那将是非常低效的。此外,创建 28 个拍摄功能会很麻烦。
public static BasicEnemy xguy1, xguy2, xguy3, xguy4, xguy5, xguy6, xguy7;
static boolean xguy1IsAlive = true;
static boolean xguy2IsAlive = true;
static boolean xguy3IsAlive = true;
static boolean xguy4IsAlive = true;
static boolean xguy5IsAlive = true;
static boolean xguy6IsAlive = true;
static boolean xguy7IsAlive = true;
xguy1 = new BasicEnemy(420, 100);
xguy2 = new BasicEnemy(480, 100);
xguy3 = new BasicEnemy(360, 100);
xguy4 = new BasicEnemy(300, 100);
xguy5 = new BasicEnemy(240, 100);
xguy6 = new BasicEnemy(540, 100);
xguy7 = new BasicEnemy(600, 100);
if(xguy1IsAlive == true)
g.drawImage(xanim.getImage(), xguy1.getCenterX()-16, xguy1.getCenterY()-12);
if(xguy2IsAlive == true)
g.drawImage(xanim.getImage(), xguy2.getCenterX()-16, xguy2.getCenterY()-12);
if(xguy3IsAlive == true)
g.drawImage(xanim.getImage(), xguy3.getCenterX()-16, xguy3.getCenterY()-12);
if(xguy4IsAlive == true)
g.drawImage(xanim.getImage(), xguy4.getCenterX()-16, xguy4.getCenterY()-12);
if(xguy5IsAlive == true)
g.drawImage(xanim.getImage(), xguy5.getCenterX()-16, xguy5.getCenterY()-12);
if(xguy6IsAlive == true)
g.drawImage(xanim.getImage(), xguy6.getCenterX()-16, xguy6.getCenterY()-12);
if(xguy7IsAlive == true)
g.drawImage(xanim.getImage(), xguy7.getCenterX()-16, xguy7.getCenterY()-12);
xguy1 = null;
xguy2 = null;
xguy3 = null;
xguy4 = null;
xguy5 = null;
xguy6 = null;
xguy7 = null;
//make an array of 9 'piguys' that take act as basic enemies
public static BasicEnemy piguys[] = new BasicEnemy[8];
//create and set the positions of each piguy
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i ++)
piguys[num] = new BasicEnemy(180 + num*55, 200);
num +=1;
//short way of calling the update method in the Enemy class for each piguy
for(int x = 0; x < 9; x++)
num2 +=1;
//short way to draw each piguy to the screen
for(int f = 0; f < 9; f++)
g.drawImage(panim.getImage(), piguys[num3].getCenterX()-12, piguys[num3].getCenterY()-12);
num3 += 1;
//short way of nullifying each object so they can be created in the constructor
for(int s = 0; s < 9; s++)
piguys[num3] = null;
num +=1;