Here is my HTML/PHP:

    <span data-good="<?php echo $row['good']; ?>" data-wasVoted="<?php echo $row['wasVoted']; ?>" data-review="<?php echo $row['review_id']; ?>"  class="upvote">Votes (<span class="good"><?php echo $row['good']; ?></span>)</span>

This looks like a mess, I apologize but it is test code.

To the user this will look like this in the output:

Votes (3) // 3 is just an example number.

This will be clickable. I want the user to click on it, and if they have already voted on this, 3 becomes 2. If they have not, 3 becomes 4. This is determined by the data-wasVoted attribute. It is 1 if they have and 0 if they haven't. (there will be styling so user can identify if they have upvoted or not).

Sending this info to server and getting back what I need is all set up. I just can't figure out a good way to grab the right number since this is a looped list of generated HTML. So there are a string of dynamic vote buttons.

Here is my jQuery:

var review_id = $(this).data('review');
var was_voted = $(this).data('wasVoted');
var vote_total = $(this).data('good');

var new_text = $('.good');

        url : "php/reviews_upvote.php",
        type : "POST",
        dataType : "json",
        data : {
            reviewId : review_id
        success : function(data) {

            if (was_voted == 1) {
                vote_total = vote_total - 1;
            } else {
                vote_total = vote_total + 1;


The first problem is obviously the var new_text. It's based on a class that is repeated over and over again. So if you click one, ALL vote numbers change on the page, not just the one you are dealing with. How can I identify the unique attribute of the one I need?

The second issue; since a user can only vote one -- I need to dynamically change the was_voted var to 0 if it was 1, or 1 if it was 0.

EDIT: Added HTML rendered after php is called.

<span data-good="2" data-wasvoted="1" data-review="2582"  class="upvote">
    Votes (<span class="good">2</span>)

data-good is the vote total.


1 回答 1


如果在 click 事件中处理逻辑。

第一个问题- 使用它来定位元素。

第二个问题- 使用相同的上下文来更改数据属性

var $this = $(this),
    review_id = $this.data('review'),
    was_voted = $this.data('wasVoted'),
    vote_total = $this.data('good'),

    new_text = $('.good');

        url : "php/reviews_upvote.php",
        type : "POST",
        dataType : "json",
        data : {
            reviewId : review_id
        success : function(data) {

            if (was_voted == 1) {
                vote_total = vote_total - 1;
                $this.data('wasVoted', 0);
            } else {
                vote_total = vote_total + 1;
                $this.data('wasVoted', 1);

于 2013-07-29T18:16:20.780 回答