我想要做的是每读取 50 个字符串就出现一行文本。我试图找到一个在GlobalVariables.TransferTracker
Do While TransferRecord.Read()
'Start of writing to the SQL server.
'SQL statement to transfer all the data that fits the requirements to the SQL server.
Dim SQLCommand1 As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO dbo.b_Pulp_PI_Forte (" & _
"mill, " & _
"keyprinter_datetime, " & _
"bale_line_num, " & _
"pulp_line_id, " & _
"bale_id, " & _
"drop_datetime, " & _
"layboy_position, " & _
"bale_gross_weight, " & _
"gross_value_flag, " & _
"bale_airdry_pct, " & _
"airdry_value_flag, " & _
"sheets_per_bale, " & _
"grader_test_flag, " & _
"dropped_num, " & _
"created_by, " & _
"CreatedDateTime, " & _
"Who_did_it, " & _
"Last_change_datetime) " & _
"VALUES (" & _
"'850', " & _
"'" & ProdDate & "', " & _
"'" & BaleLineNum & "', " & _
"'" & BaleLine & "', " & _
"'" & BaleNumber & "', " & _
"'" & ProdDate & "', " & _
"'0', " & _
"'" & GrossWeight & "', " & _
"'" & GrossWeightFlag & "', " & _
"'" & AirDry & "', " & _
"'" & AirDryFlag & "', " & _
"'0', " & _
"'N', " & _
"'0', " & _
"'BaleTrac', " & _
"'" & Date.Now & "', " & _
"'BaleTrac', " & _
"'" & Date.Now & "')")
'If DisplayCode is checked this will be printed to the screen.
If ApplicationPropertiesWindow.DisplayCodechkbx.Checked = True Then
MainTextBox.AppendText(Environment.NewLine & SQLCommand1.CommandText)
GlobalVariables.DisplayCode = True
End If
'Executing the SQL statement.
SQLCommand1.Connection = SQLServerConnection
GlobalVariables.TransferTracker = GlobalVariables.TransferTracker + 1
'This is where I would like to have the remainder function.
'Making message to show that program is still running.
If GlobalVariables.TransferTracker = 50 Then
MainTextBox.AppendText(Environment.NewLine & "50 records transferred.")
End If
现在我刚刚设置了它,所以它会在 50 条记录时触发,因为我找不到该功能。