I am using vaadin to make a web application. The web application is composed of different views and one main UI page, the UI page is where the navigator is declared and the view pages are added to it. I have a couple of different views that the navigator navigates to, and each view has a menu panel (which is not a view it is a class that I make visible once the user logs in). Everything works fine when you navigate to the different views (you see the menu panel), but when you refresh the page (hit refresh button) the menu panel disappears.

I am thinking it is caused by the navigator because it is the only thing that is controlling the navigation between different views, but have not figured out exactly what is the problem


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要在刷新时保留应用程序,请将 @PreserveOnRefresh 注释添加到主 UI 文件。

于 2013-07-31T00:10:00.147 回答