Lately im trying to learn ST2 myself, and then bug things happend. I create a Ext.Component view, and then i put it to a parent view which extends Ext.Container. Unfortunately, there is nothing but air rendered in my page. Some guys help me ? Much thanx. Here is my CODES below.


    name: 'myAPP',

    requires: [

    models: [

    views: [

    controllers: [],

    stores: [
    // some basic codes...

Viewport.js - view

Ext.define('myAPP.view.Viewport', {
    extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',

    xtype: 'viewport',

    config: {
        fullscreen: true,

        tabBarPosition: 'bottom',

        defaults: {
            styleHtmlContent: true

        items: [
                title: 'Series',
                iconCls: 'list',
                xtype: 'goodslist'

GoodsList.js - view

Ext.define('myAPP.view.GoodsList', {
    extend: 'Ext.Container',

    requires: [

    xtype: 'goodslist',

    config: {
        layout: {
            type: 'fit'

        items: [
                xtype: 'titlebar',

                title: 'GoodsList',

                docked: 'top',

                items: [
                        iconCls: 'more',
                        align: 'right'
                xtype: 'goodslistitem'

GoodsListItem.js - view

Ext.define('myAPP.view.GoodsListItem', {
    extend: 'Ext.Component',

    xtype: 'goodslistitem',

    config: {
        store: 'goodsliststore',

        tpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
            '<tpl for=".">',
                '<div class="s-row">',
                    '<div class="s-col {[xindex % 2 === 0 ? "s-c2" : "s-c1"]}">',
                        '<img src="{thumb}" />',
                        '<h1>{#}. {pname}</h1>',

GoodsList.js - store

Ext.define('myAPP.store.GoodsList', {
    extend: 'Ext.data.Store',

    config: {
        model: 'myAPP.model.Goods',

        storeId: 'goodsliststore',

        data: [
                pname: 'Goods',
                price: '5RMB',
                thumb: 'http://qlogo4.store.qq.com/qzone/181830631/181830631/100?1317298327'
                pname: 'Goods',
                price: '15RMB',
                thumb: 'http://qlogo4.store.qq.com/qzone/181830631/181830631/100?1317298327'
                pname: 'Goods',
                price: '25RMB',
                thumb: 'http://qlogo4.store.qq.com/qzone/181830631/181830631/100?1317298327'
                pname: 'Goods',
                price: '35RMB',
                thumb: 'http://qlogo4.store.qq.com/qzone/181830631/181830631/100?1317298327'

Goods.js - model

Ext.define('myAPP.model.Goods', {
    extend: 'Ext.data.Model',

    config: {
        fields: [
            { name: 'pname', type: 'string' },
            { name: 'price', type: 'int' },
            { name: 'thumb', type: 'string' }

ST Version - Touch 2.1.1


1 回答 1


您似乎缺少在 Sencha Touch 中使用列表的一些基本概念。

您的 GoodsList 视图实际上没有Ext.dataview.List,所以这就是您看不到任何东西的原因。替换元素:

    xtype: 'goodslistitem'


    xtype: 'list'

现在让我们把它全屏显示,让我们使用您定义的XTemplateGoodsListItem.js作为您列表的itemTpl :

    xtype: 'list',
    fullscreen: true,
    itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
        '<tpl for=".">',
            '<div class="s-row">',
                '<div class="s-col {[xindex % 2 === 0 ? "s-c2" : "s-c1"]}">',
                    '<img src="{thumb}" />',
                    '<h1>{#}. {pname}</h1>',


您实际上可以删除您的 GoodsListItem.js 视图。如果你真的想使用一个可以使用组件布局的单独列表项,你应该设置defaultType配置,但这会降低性能并增加一定程度的复杂性。如果您有兴趣,请查看使用 Dataviews的指南。


[编辑] 我的代码可能无法按原样工作:检查这个关于使用 XTemplate 作为 itemTpl 的问题

最后我们要说 Sencha Touch 绑定哪个 Store 到列表中,这是通过 store 配置完成的:

    xtype: 'list',
    fullscreen: true,
    itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
        '<tpl for=".">',
            '<div class="s-row">',
                '<div class="s-col {[xindex % 2 === 0 ? "s-c2" : "s-c1"]}">',
                    '<img src="{thumb}" />',
                    '<h1>{#}. {pname}</h1>',
    store: 'GoodsList'


Ext.create('Ext.List', {
    fullscreen: true,
    itemTpl: '{title}',
    data: [
        { title: 'Item 1' },
        { title: 'Item 2' },
        { title: 'Item 3' },
        { title: 'Item 4' }

然后在步骤中添加更复杂的东西,比如绑定到一个Ext.data.Store,使用一个Ext.Template作为 itemTpl,然后一个Ext.XTemplate

于 2013-07-30T07:53:57.513 回答