As a git noob, Eclipse is not helping my confusion... I switched to me local master branch and ran a fetch with the settings below:

enter image description here

Firstly I don't understand why the "Next" button is disabled. Secondly when I run the fetch using "Finish", it tells me I am already up to date (makes sense as I already fetched). So what does the ↓13 mean? Isn't it telling me my local branch is behind the remote branch? Or that the remote branch is itself behind... but this is the remote master so what can it be behind of?


1 回答 1


这意味着您落后于原点 13 次提交。

如果箭头指向上方,则意味着您的分支是 X 提交在原点之前

至于你的Next按钮是灰色的。我相信这是因为你还没有选择 Ref。单击 ref,然后您应该会看到它。

仅供参考 - 当我开始使用 Git 时,我尝试使用 Eclipse 的 eGit 插件,我可以对你说作为 Git 的新手。 使用命令行! 我的本地 git 存储库被插件损坏了,而且它不是很直观。

于 2013-07-29T15:29:04.270 回答