我正在创建一个游戏,它将每场比赛的前 2 个最高“分数”标记为获胜者。



6 种不同游戏的可能游戏结果:

$a = array(20,19,18,17,16,15); // no tie breaker needed - [1], [2] win
$b = array(20,20,18,17,16,15); // no tie breaker needed - [1], [2] win
$c = array(20,19,19,17,16,15); // tie breaker needed for [2], [3] values
$d = array(20,20,20,17,16,15); // tie breaker needed for [1], [2], [3] values
$e = array(20,19,19,19,16,15); // tie breaker needed for [2], [3], [4] values
$f = array(20,20,20,20,20,20); // tie breaker needed for all values


$score = array("green"=>10, "pink"=>10, "orange"=>9, "blue"=>8, "yellow"=>7);
$count = 0;

foreach ($score as $value) {


    // if the count is 2
    if ($count === 2) {

        // save the value as a variable
        $second = $value;

    // if the count is 3
    } else if ($count === 3) {

        // if 2nd place and 3rd place have the same score - tiebreaker
        if ($second === $value) {

            // add matches to array for tiebreaker
            $result = array_keys($score, $value);

        // if 2nd place and 3rd place have different scores - no tiebreaker
        } else {

            // split first 2 places from the array
            $result = array_slice($score, 0, 2);                




1 回答 1


我的猜测是,作为您要排名的对象的一部分,您有超过分数(否则,“哪个”原始分数是第一重要吗?)。在您用来比较结果的比较器中,您可以考虑任何其他数据。所以,如果你的对象真的看起来像这样(JSON 对象格式,而不是 PHP。请原谅):


usort()当您使用PHP 例程对对象数组进行排序时,您可以决定使用 alpha 名称或级别,或者将“向导”类置于高于其他类的位置。只需提供一个实现这些规则的函数,无论它们是什么。 这个答案有一个例子。



for each item in scorelist:
    // create hash of score->list of items

// scoreRef is a hash of scores => list of 
// items that share that score.

for each item in scoreRef:
    // item is an array
    if item.size > 1:
        tiebreakerList.append( item);

// tiebreakerList is a list of lists where 
// the subordinate list items all share the same 
// number of points
于 2013-07-29T14:40:59.310 回答