I'm wondering how I can test my implemented UserService
) methods directly. I've imported MyUserService
but it doesn't seem to recognize it.
The error is:
not found: value MyUserService
Thanks for any help you can give. Here's my test case for the find method.
Here's my test case...
"retrieve a user by UserId" in new WithApplication {
val user : Option[User] = MyUserService.find(UserId("johnnyboy", "userpass"))
val getUser = user.get
getUser.uid must equalTo(Some(1))
getUser.id.id must equalTo ("johnnyboy")
getUser.id.providerId must equalTo("userpass")
getUser.userType must equalTo(Some("admin"))
getUser.firstName must equalTo("John")
getUser.lastName must equalTo("Smith")
getUser.fullName must equalTo("John Smith)
getUser.email must equalTo(Some("johnsmith@gmail.com"))
getUser.avatarUrl must equalTo(None)
getUser.authMethod must equalTo(AuthenticationMethod("userPassword"))
getUser.oAuth1Info must equalTo(None)
getUser.oAuth2Info must equalTo(None)
getUser.passwordInfo.get.hasher must equalTo(PasswordHasher.BCryptHasher)
getUser.passwordInfo.get.password must equalTo("$2a$10$eYPUTBSjprjKKmUf4m4XRuwurSxKKwbw13eP6WyDNk/LdpKgBytda")
getUser.passwordInfo.get.salt must equalTo(None)
Thanks again.