I am trying to setup the project environment over AWS .. As per my little bit of research I came to know about S3 buckets service. And I also come to know that If I will put our code files inside that S3 bucket will be much more relevant then putting those same inside NFS or other file sharing systems.

Right now I am having one EC2 instance over AWS, and inside that same I have tried to setup S3FS and via some settings I have got all my bucket's files and folder inside our EC2 environment. And I am so impressed with that same too. But our project is running with heavy load of CPU and memory. So without setting up load balancer that same project (with same S3FS configured image AMI). That will be worthless for me.

Now I already created the AMI image for that same S3FS configured EC2 instance, and when my scale-up load balancer policy tried to create one spot request for that image(AMI) .. I seen high I/O rates !!! Due to that unexpectedly project running very slow !!

Can any one suggest me better way how can I reduce high I/O rates on new launched S3FS enabled instances ??


1 回答 1


我想推荐看看新项目 RioFS(用户空间 S3 文件系统):https ://github.com/skoobe/riofs 。该项目是“s3fs”替代方案,与“s3fs”相比的主要优势是:简单、操作速度和无错误代码。目前该项目处于“测试”状态,但它已经在几个高负载文件服务器上运行了相当长的一段时间。



我不太确定 S3FS 如何处理缓存文件,但在我们的项目中,我们尽量避免执行额外的 I/O 操作。


于 2013-07-29T09:55:48.563 回答