You client web site is
. You have
mapped to this. Your SSL certificate is for this domain. So, you will need to put the certificate with the client app. As an end user, if I go to
, the certificate your application will present to my browser will be the one you purchased for
. This is for the pages rendered by the client web application.
Now, as the browser renders the page from the client web application, say it needs to make jQuery AJAX calls to your web API site
. You can use a domain name for this one as well, some thing like
but regardless, this will be a cross-origin call, BTW. If this call is also through HTTPS, then for this case also, a valid cert must be presented to the browser. Assuming you have
which is a sub-domain of
, you can use the same certificate you bought from rapidSSL with web API site as well provided it is a wild-card cert, which is obviously more expensive. Otherwise, you will need one more certificate for the web api site (or the domain name if you plan to use one for API) and install that new cert in the api app.