How do I check to see if the ObjectResult<> has a value or not? Right now it's returning values but will it throw an exception is there is nothing to return?
This is the section of code that I need to check so I do not have to depend on a try catch block
iProjInfo.ProjectLeafs = db.proc_GetProjectLeafs(projectID).ToList<IProjectLeafs>();
public static Task<IProjectInfo> GetProjectInfo(int projectID)
return Task.Run(() =>
using (var db = new StorefrontSystemEntities())
IProjectInfo iProjInfo = db.proc_GetProject_ForDrawings(projectID).Single<IProjectInfo>();
iProjInfo.ProjectLeafs = db.proc_GetProjectLeafs(projectID).ToList<IProjectLeafs>();
catch (Exception ex)
return iProjInfo;