所以我尝试在 C 中实现 AVL 树。我对插入使用递归,虽然我对少量项目获得了一些好的结果,但在大输入时我得到了“无法访问内存...”,如下所示。

在我发布代码之前。问题似乎在于 height() 计算。使用 gdb 并逐步进行旋转以查看是否有任何问题,但它似乎表现良好。(没有未初始化的指针,更改后没有垃圾)。avl_insert() 代码有点乱,但我花了 2 天时间仔细检查它,我很确定它是正确的。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef struct _avl{
    long int value;
    int index;
    struct _avl *parent;
    struct _avl *left;
    struct _avl *right;
} avl_node;

//Allocating memory for a new node
avl_node *avl_new_node(long int val, int index)
    avl_node *t;
    t = (avl_node *)malloc(sizeof(avl_node));
    t->index = index;
    t->parent = NULL;
    t->left = NULL;
    t->right = NULL;
    t->value = val;
    return t;

//Calculate subtree hight recursively
int height(avl_node *t)
    if(t == NULL)   return 0;
    int leftH = height(t->left);
    int rightH = height(t->right);
    if(leftH > rightH)  return leftH + 1;
    else    return rightH + 1;

//Pain in the butt, but works
avl_node *avl_insert(avl_node *t, long int val, int index)
    avl_node *ans;
    if(t == NULL)   t = avl_new_node(val, index);
    else if(val < t->value){
        t->left = avl_insert(t->left, val, index);
        t->left->parent = t;
        if((height(t->left) - height(t->right)) == 2){
            //Left Rotation
            if(val < t->left->value){
                avl_node *tmp;
                if(t->parent != NULL){
                    tmp = (t == t->parent->right)?(t->parent->right):(t->parent->left);
                    tmp = t->left;
                t->left->parent = t->parent;
                t->parent = t->left;
                t->left = t->parent->right;
                t->parent->right = t;
                if(t->left != NULL) t->left->parent = t;
                t = t->parent;
            //Left-Right Rotation
            else if(val > t->left->value){
                avl_node *l;
                avl_node *lr;
                l = t->left;
                lr = t->left->right;
                //Additional startup rotation for the others to work correct
                if(lr->left != NULL){
                    lr->left->right = lr;
                    lr->parent = lr->left;
                    l->right = lr->left;
                    l->right->parent = l;
                l->parent = l->right;
                t->left = l->parent;
                t->left->parent = l;
                t->left->left = l;
                l->right = NULL;

                avl_node *tmp;
                if(t->parent != NULL){
                    tmp = (t == t->parent->right)?(t->parent->right):(t->parent->left);
                    tmp = t->left;
                t->left->parent = t->parent;
                t->parent = t->left;
                t->left = t->parent->right;
                t->parent->right = t;
                if(t->left != NULL) t->left->parent = t;
                t = t->parent;
    else if(val > t->value){
        t->right = avl_insert(t->right, val, index);
        t->right->parent = t;
        if((height(t->right) - height(t->left)) == 2){
            //Right Rotation
            if(val > t->right->value){
                avl_node *tmp;
                if(t->parent != NULL){
                    tmp = (t == t->parent->right)?(t->parent->right):(t->parent->left);
                    tmp = t->right;
                t->right->parent = t->parent;
                t->parent = t->right;
                t->right = t->parent->left;
                t->parent->left = t;
                if(t->right != NULL)    t->right->parent = t;
            //Right-left Rotation
            else if(val < t->right->value){
                avl_node *r;
                avl_node *rl;
                r = t->right;
                rl = t->right->left;
                //Additional startup rotation for the others to work correct
                if(rl->right != NULL){
                    rl->right->left = rl;
                    rl->parent = rl->right;
                    r->left = rl->right;
                    rl->right = NULL;
                    r->left->parent = r;
                r->parent = r->left;
                t->right = r->parent;
                t->right->parent = t;
                t->right->right = r;
                r->left = NULL;

                avl_node *tmp;
                if(t->parent != NULL){
                    tmp = (t == t->parent->right)?(t->parent->right):(t->parent->left);
                    tmp = t->right;
                }               t->right->parent = t->parent;
                t->parent = t->right;
                t->right = t->parent->left;
                t->parent->left = t;
                if(t->right != NULL)    t->right->parent = t;
                t = t->parent;
    return t;

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    int i;
    int v[100];// = {97, 10, 96, 109, 77, 70, 128, 64, 93, 45, 30, 65, 37, 46, 54, 30, 123, 112, 109, 49, 109};
    avl_node *avlRoot;
    avlRoot = avl_new_node(97, 0);
    srand( 180 );
    for(i = 1; i<100; i++){
        v[i] = rand()%130;
    for(i=1; i < 100; i++){
        printf("I : %d and k : %d\n", i, v[i]);
        avlRoot = avl_insert(avlRoot, v[i], i);
    return 0;


gcc -o c.out my_avl.c -Wall -g


运行这个我从 gdb 获得的主要内容:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000000000040066d in height (t=0x6020d0) at my_avl.c:33
33      int leftH = height(t->left);
(gdb) bt 10
#0  0x000000000040066d in height (t=0x6020d0) at my_avl.c:33
#1  0x0000000000400672 in height (t=0x602730) at my_avl.c:33
#2  0x0000000000400672 in height (t=0x602550) at my_avl.c:33
#3  0x0000000000400672 in height (t=0x602430) at my_avl.c:33
#4  0x0000000000400685 in height (t=0x602730) at my_avl.c:34
#5  0x0000000000400672 in height (t=0x602550) at my_avl.c:33
#6  0x0000000000400672 in height (t=0x602430) at my_avl.c:33
#7  0x0000000000400685 in height (t=0x602730) at my_avl.c:34
#8  0x0000000000400672 in height (t=0x602550) at my_avl.c:33
#9  0x0000000000400672 in height (t=0x602430) at my_avl.c:33
(More stack frames follow...)

在另一个包含大约 210,000 个长 int 项的主程序中运行代码,我收到以下错误:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000401607 in height (
t=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x7fffff7fefe8>)
    at bookstore.h:338
338 {
(gdb) bt 10
#0  0x0000000000401607 in height (
    t=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 0x7fffff7fefe8>)
    at bookstore.h:338
#1  0x0000000000401629 in height (t=0x1855f70) at bookstore.h:341
#2  0x0000000000401629 in height (t=0x1855fa0) at bookstore.h:341
#3  0x0000000000401629 in height (t=0x1856030) at bookstore.h:341
#4  0x0000000000401629 in height (t=0x1855b50) at bookstore.h:341
#5  0x0000000000401629 in height (t=0x1855e20) at bookstore.h:341
#6  0x000000000040163c in height (t=0x1856030) at bookstore.h:342
#7  0x0000000000401629 in height (t=0x1855b50) at bookstore.h:341
#8  0x0000000000401629 in height (t=0x1855e20) at bookstore.h:341
#9  0x000000000040163c in height (t=0x1856030) at bookstore.h:342
(More stack frames follow...)



1 回答 1


您的avl_insert函数是递归函数,并且您的程序的堆栈内存不足。使用较小的变量会对您有所帮助(使用 short 而不是 long int 等),但稍后您将再次遇到相同的问题。


于 2013-07-28T21:25:58.003 回答