我是 Sublime Text 的新手,我无法在任何地方修复或找到此问题的答案。我刚刚安装Sublime Text
,一开始它运行良好。然后我尝试在 Preferences-> Settings User 下更改一些设置,例如字体大小。当我保存时,它返回错误:
尝试解析设置时出错:C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Preferences.sublime-settings:18:1 中的预期字符串
(我的 ST 包安装在哪里)现在,每当我尝试打开 Sublime Text 2 时,它都会显示相同的错误消息,并且不会运行。我卸载并重新安装了 ST,但问题仍然存在(在我尝试更改我的偏好之后)。我Sublime Text 2.0.2
在 Windows 7 上运行。任何有关如何解决此问题的见解(或者更好的是,为什么首先出现此问题)都将受到欢迎。
// Settings in here override those in "Default/Preferences.sublime-settings", and
// are overridden in turn by file type specific settings.
// "User/Preferences.sublime-settings", which overrides the settings in here.
// Settings may also be placed in file type specific options files, for
// example, in Packages/Python/Python.sublime-settings for python files.
// Sets the colors used within the text area
"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.tmTheme",
// Note that the font_face and font_size are overriden in the platform
// specific settings file, for example, "Preferences (Linux).sublime-settings".
// Because of this, setting them here will have no effect: you must set them
// in your User File Preferences.
"font_face": "",
"font_size": 10,