Basically, on clicking any image on a html page I want the id associated to be passed to a function. This is what I have tried. It seems I am making a minor mistake here as I am getting the first id passed no matter what image I click from the array. I tried $(this).attr("id") as well, but did not work.
for(var i=0;i<jsonObj.length-1;i++){
var rows = '';
var bg_img = jsonObj[i].img;
var bg_img = decodeURIComponent(bg_img);
rows = "<img id='" + jsonObj[i].source_id + "' src='" + bg_img + "'/>";
document.getElementsByClassName('subscription')[i].innerHTML = rows;
$("body").delegate(".subscription", "click", function() {
// var id = $(this).attr("id");
alert("Welcome Test " + $('img').attr("id"));
return false;