Every time I open google homepage in Firefox I keep getting this really annoying message below the address bar as shown below.

Get to Google faster. Add Google to your start page.

I often delete history(cache), so even if I click "No Thanks", it appears again. Is there a script to disable it permanently.

Is it possible to remove the "Install Google Chrome" ad from the Google home page.

enter image description here

Edit: There seems to be no solution neither on the internet nor from the users here, so I formed my own script. Works fine. Please refer my answer below.


1 回答 1


Greasemonkey插件安装到 firefox 并添加以下脚本。

google.promos&&google.promos.toast && google.promos.toast.cpc(); window.google.promos.pushdown.pd_tp = function(){return false;};


删除 Chrome 促销盒:代码的第一行调用了当我们单击 chrome 促销盒上的关闭按钮时执行的函数。


于 2013-07-28T00:35:21.307 回答