I trying to write a queue(String Version) program in C by using linked lists.

Here is the structure:

struct strqueue;
typedef struct strqueue *StrQueue;

struct node {
  char *item;
  struct node *next;

struct strqueue {
  struct node *front;//first element
  struct node *back;//last element in the list
  int length;

I creates a new StrQueue first

StrQueue create_StrQueue(void) {
  StrQueue q = malloc(sizeof (struct strqueue));
  q->front = NULL;
  q->back = NULL;
  q->length = 0;
  return q;

makes a copy of str and places it at the end of the queue

void push(StrQueue sq, const char *str) {
  struct node *new = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
  new->item = NULL;
  strcpy(new->item,str);//invalid write size of 1 ?
  new->next = NULL;
  if (sq->length == 0) {
  sq->front = new;
  sq->back = new;
} else {
  sq->back->next = new;
  sq->back = new;

frees the node at the front of the sq and returns the string that was first in the queue

char *pop(StrQueue sq) {
 if (sq->length == 0) {
 return NULL;
 struct node *i = sq->front;
 char *new = sq->front->item;
 sq->front = i->next;
 sq->length --;
 return new;

I got invalid write size of 1 at strcpy(new->item,str); I dont understand why I got this error. Can anyone tell me why and tell me how should I fix it? Thanks in advance.


2 回答 2




void push(StrQueue sq, const char *str) {
  struct node *new = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
  new->item = NULL;




  1. 确保在使用列表时 *str 是列表管理上下文之外的有效指针。
  2. 让列表管理字符串分配(可能还有解除分配)。

    1. 是一种快速而肮脏的方法,以后调试起来更容易,但更大的代码库使它变得很麻烦。
    2. 看起来更干净的代码,但需要初始设置规则,除了列表管理例程之外,您还应该创建对象(字符串)管理例程。本身就很麻烦。

案例1:const char *str保证在 StrQueue 的生命周期内有效(这就是您真正要寻找的)


new->item = str;

这里我们假设 str 是在别处分配的动态字符串

现在,当你弹出字符串时,你可以在 pop 中。因为您返回的指针仍然有效(您在其他地方保证它)

案例 2:const char *str不保证在 StrQueue 的生命周期内有效


new->item = strdup(str);

现在,当你弹出字符串时,你可以在 pop 中

  1. 取消分配 strdup 并且不返回任何内容,(与您所做的不完全相同)
  2. 将容器指针传递给 pop 内容item被复制的地方(干净)
  3. 返回弹出的指针,但完成后必须单独释放它(丑陋)

这将使您的 pop 功能成为以下之一:

案例 2.1:

 void pop(StrQueue sq) {

    if (sq->length == 0) {
       return NULL;
    struct node *node = sq->front;
    sq->front = node->next;

案例 2.2:

 char *pop(StrQueue sq, char *here) {

    if (sq->length == 0) {
       return NULL;
    struct node *node = sq->front;
    sq->front = node->next;
    strcpy(here, node->item);

案例 2.3:

 char *pop(StrQueue sq) {

    char *dangling_item = NULL;
    if (sq->length == 0) {
       return NULL;
    struct node *node = sq->front;
    sq->front = node->next;
    dangling_item = node->item;
    return dangling_item;
于 2013-07-28T00:53:44.457 回答

I got invalid write size of 1 at strcpy(new->item,str); I dont understand why I got this error. Can anyone tell me why and tell me how should I fix it?


This code:

new->item = NULL;
strcpy(new->item,str);//invalid write size of 1 ?

You're not suppose to pass a null pointer to the first argument, it should be a pointer to allocated memory. The reason why you're getting this error message, I can imagine, is because the implementation of strcpy probably looks like this:

for (int i = 0; str2[i]; i++) str1[i] = str2[i];

And in the first iteration of the for loop, it writes to address 0 (a read-only section of memory) - this gives you the invalid write of size 1. I'm not sure, however, why you are only getting a size of 1, though (I would imagine it would be the entire size of the string). This could be because either a) str is only of size 1 or b) because the signal, SIGSEGV stops the program.

How to fix:

Allocate space for new->item before calling strcpy, like this:

new->item = malloc (strlen (str) + 1); // + 1 for null-terminating character

But you could probably include some error checking, like this:

int len = strlen (str) + 1;
if (len){
    new->item = malloc (len);
    if (!new->item){
于 2013-07-28T01:30:41.840 回答