I was working on an Access Application that has already an access database (tables, queries etc ) and a front end. I was trying to link access existing database tables with mysql. So, what I have done so far is, I have successfully linked the access tables with mysql using ODBC. My understanding regarding linking access table with mysql db was that, by doing so, I would have the same 'old' access table linked with mysql, but I was wrong. Instead after linking I got a new table (fields same as old) that has links with mysql database.

http://i.imgur.com/mfSF5hR.png [See this link showing old 'access' and new 'linked' table]

For instance, I had an 'Actor' table in access db (before linking) and after it I have 2 tables. One is the old access 'Actor' table and other is the new linked table named 'Actor1'. So, if I do changes in my old access table, the table in mysql doesn't get change but when I do changes in my new linked table i.e 'Actor1' changes happen in mysql table too.

Here the problem is my front end form/queries are using my access table the old one, so is there any way to use new 'linked' table without changing in the front end ?

Thanks in advance.


1 回答 1


您只需要重命名 Linked MySQL 表(仅在 Access 中重命名链接),使其与您之前在 Access 中用于同一个表的名称完全匹配。这样您就不必更改表单、查询和报告。

在本地表和链接表之间的 Access 中没有发生任何魔法。移动数据、确保 MySQL 表按照您想要的方式设计、维护链接、删除旧的 Access 表等仍然取决于您。

于 2013-07-28T00:38:00.330 回答