$filename = "flat-file-data.txt"; // File which holds all data
$rowToUpdate = 1; // This is line need to be updated
$newString = "This text is updated\n"; // This is what you want to replace it with
$arrFp = file( $filename ); // Open the data file as an array
// Replace the current element in array which needs to be updated with new string
$arrFp[$rowToUpdate-1] = $newString;
$numLines = count( $arrFp ); // Count the elements in the array
$fp = fopen( $filename, "w" ); // Open the file for writing
for($i=0; $i<$numLines; $i++) // Overwrite the existing content
fwrite($fp, $arrFp[$i]);
fclose( $fp ); // Close the file
但不幸的是,我在第 108 行的 D:\PROGRAM FILES\wamp\www\mindandsoul\processor.php 中收到一条错误消息:“解析错误:语法错误,意外 ';',期待 ')'”。是什么意思?我怎样才能摆脱它?有什么办法可以解决这个错误?