I'm new to ZF2 and I'm willing to share how I do to retain parameter from form using url helper especially during pagination. I modify the answer from How can you add query parameters in the ZF2 url view helper
This is what I do:
// get all the query from url
$input = $form->getData();
$paginator = $this->getAlbumTable()->fetchAll();
$paginator->setCurrentPageNumber((int)$this->params()->fromQuery('page', 1));
// unset the 'page' query if necessary
return array(
'form' => $form,
'paginator' => $paginator,
'routeParams' => array_filter($input) // filter empty value
echo $this->paginationControl(
array('partial/paginator.phtml', 'Album'),
'route' => 'album',
'routeParams' => $routeParams
<a href="<?php echo $this->url(
$this->route, // your route name
array(), // any url options, e.g action
array('query' => $this->routeParams) // your query params
echo (empty($this->routeParams))? '?' : '&'; ?>
page=<?php echo $this->next; ?>">Next Page</a>
Please provide any better solution and correct me if I'm wrong.
Thank you