我正在尝试在 excel 范围之间随机选择并获得不重复的结果。

当我键入时,我得到一个单元格值Msgbox Range("C2")

但是,当我使用 时MsgBox Range("F" & WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, UBound(ElementHeader))),它会告诉我'type-mismatch'.

知道为什么吗?以及如何将其实际存储到 VBA 中的字符串数组中?


Sub Testy()
    Dim ElementHeader
    ElementHeader = Range("F1:F" & Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
    MsgBox Range("F" & WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, UBound(ElementHeader)))
End Sub


Sub GenerateDescription()
    Dim Element
    Dim AddOn
    Dim MainRange
    ' Declare Sentences
    ' Addon Range is in Column F
    AddOn = Range("G1:G" & Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
    ' Main Range is in Column D
    Set MainRange = Range("E1:E" & Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
        For Each Element In MainRange
            Element.Offset(, 4).Value = Element & " " & Range("G" & WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, UBound(AddOn))) & " " & Range("G" & WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, UBound(AddOn))) & " " & Range("G" & WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, UBound(AddOn))) & " " & Range("G" & WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, UBound(AddOn))) & " " & Range("G" & WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, UBound(AddOn)))
        Next Element
End Sub

如您所见,这个重复G的 Range 是我要解决的部分。

For Each我希望 G 列句子在每种方法中只出现一次。意思是,我希望每个元素包含来自 G 列的 5 个唯一句子。

假设我有 10 个句子,对于每个循环,我想得到 5 个唯一的句子,例如:G1、G4、G2、G9、G10。永远不应该重复同一个单元格,这意味着如果函数生成 G1、G2、G5、G3、G1,我想用 G 列中的另一个随机单元格编号替换重复的 G1。


1 回答 1


使用 Chip Pearson 的函数获取唯一的随机数并将您的代码调整为如下所示:

For Each Element In MainRange
    vRandom = UniqueRandomLongs(1, UBound(AddOn), 5)
    Element.Offset(, 4).Value = Element & " " & _
    Range("G" & vRandom(1)) & " " & _
    Range("G" & vRandom(2)) & " " & _
    Range("G" & vRandom(3)) & " " & _
    Range("G" & vRandom(4)) & " " & _
    Range("G" & vRandom(5))
Next Element


Public Function UniqueRandomLongs(Minimum As Long, Maximum As Long, _
            Number As Long, Optional ArrayBase As Long = 1, _
            Optional Dummy As Variant) As Variant
' UniqueRandomLongs
' This returns an array containing elements whose values are between the Minimum and
' Maximum parameters. The number of elements in the result array is specified by the
' Number parameter. For example, you can request an array of 20 Longs between 500 and
' 1000 (inclusive).
' There will be no duplicate values in the result array.
' The ArrayBase parameter is used to specify the LBound of the ResultArray. If this
' is omitted, ResultArray is 1-based.
' The Dummy argument is to be used only when the function is called from a worksheet.
' Its purpose is to allow you to use the NOW() function as the Dummy parameter to force
' Excel to calculate this function any time a calculation is performed. E.g.,
'       =UniqueRandomLongs(100,199,10,NOW())
' If you don't want to recalulate this function on every calculation, omit the Dummy
' parameter. The Dummy argument serves no other purpose and is not used anywhere
' in the code.
' The function returns an array of Longs if successful or NULL if an error occurred
' (invalid input parameter).
' Note: The procedure creates its own array of size (Maximum-Minium+1), so very large
' differences between Minimum and Maximum may cause performace issues.

Dim SourceArr() As Long
Dim ResultArr() As Long
Dim SourceNdx As Long
Dim ResultNdx As Long
Dim TopNdx As Long
Dim Temp As Long

' Test the input parameters to ensure
' they are valid.
If Minimum > Maximum Then
    UniqueRandomLongs = Null
    Exit Function
End If
If Number > (Maximum - Minimum + 1) Then
    UniqueRandomLongs = Null
    Exit Function
End If
If Number <= 0 Then
    UniqueRandomLongs = Null
    Exit Function
End If

' Redim the arrays.
' SourceArr will be sized with an LBound of
' Minimum and a UBound of Maximum, and will
' contain the integers between Minimum and
' Maximum (inclusive). ResultArray gets
' a LBound of ArrayBase and a UBound of
' (ArrayBase+Number-1)
ReDim SourceArr(Minimum To Maximum)
ReDim ResultArr(ArrayBase To (ArrayBase + Number - 1))
' Load SourceArr with the integers between
' Minimum and Maximum (inclusive).
For SourceNdx = Minimum To Maximum
    SourceArr(SourceNdx) = SourceNdx
Next SourceNdx

' TopNdx is the upper limit of the SourceArr
' from which the Longs will be selected. It
' is initialized to UBound(SourceArr), and
' decremented in each iteration of the loop.
' Selections from SourceArr are always in the
' region including and to the left of TopNdx.
' The region above (to the right of) TopNdx
' is where the used numbers are stored and
' no selection is made from that region of
' the array.
TopNdx = UBound(SourceArr)
For ResultNdx = LBound(ResultArr) To UBound(ResultArr)
    ' Set SourceNdx to a random number between 1 and
    ' TopNdx. ResultArr(ResultNdx) will get its value from
    ' SourceArr(SourceNdx). Only elements of SourceArr
    ' in the region of the array below (to the left of)
    ' TopNdx (inclusive) will be selected for inclusion
    ' in ResultArr. This ensures that the elements in
    ' ResultArr are not duplicated.
    SourceNdx = Int((TopNdx - Minimum + 1) * Rnd + Minimum)
    ResultArr(ResultNdx) = SourceArr(SourceNdx)
    ' Now, swap elements SourceNdx and TopNdx of SourceArr,
    ' moving the value in SourceArr(SourceNdx) to the region
    ' of SourceArr that is above TopNdx.  Since only elements
    ' of SourceArr in the region below TopNdx (inclusive) are
    ' possible candidates for inclusion in ResultArr, used
    ' values are placed at TopNdx to ensure no duplicates.
    Temp = SourceArr(SourceNdx)
    SourceArr(SourceNdx) = SourceArr(TopNdx)
    SourceArr(TopNdx) = Temp
    ' Decrment TopNdx. This moves the effective UBound of SourceArr
    ' downwards (to the left), thus removing used numbers from the
    ' possibility of inclusion in ResultArr. This ensures we have
    ' no duplicates in the ResultArr.
    TopNdx = TopNdx - 1
Next ResultNdx

' Return the result array.
UniqueRandomLongs = ResultArr

End Function
于 2013-07-27T08:23:48.157 回答