<xs:element name="lhs">
           <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="state"/>
         <xs:element ref="state"/>

从这个 xsds 我返回一个Coq类型,如果它是<choice>标签,我返回一个Inductive类型,例如:

Inductive lhs = 
 | Lhs_lhs : list state -> lhs
 | Lhs_state : state -> lhs.


之后,我编写了一个函数来解析这个 xsds OCaml

let rec lhs x = get_son "lhs" lhs_val

and lhs_val xs = match xs with
  | Element ("", _, _, xs) -> 
   let item_state, xs = parse_list state xs in
     check_emptyness xs;
   Lhs_lhs (item_state)
  | Element ("state", _, _, xs) -> Lhs_state (state_val xs)
  | x -> error_xml x "it is not a lhs";;


let try_parse parse x = try Some (parse x) with Error _ -> None;;

(* parses the biggest prefix of `xs` with the
  (parse) function, i.e. it returns the pair `(is, xs2)` such that:
         - xs = xs1 @ xs2
         - `is = List.map parse xs1`
        `- xs1` is as big as possible *)
let parse_list parse =
  let rec aux is = function
    | [] -> List.rev is, []
    | (hd :: tl) as xs ->
    match try_parse parse hd with
      | Some i -> aux (i::is) tl
      | None -> List.rev is, xs
  in aux [];;

 (* check that there is nothing else to parse; raises an error
   otherwise. *)
    let check_emptyness = function
      | x :: _ -> error_xml x "unexpected element"
      | [] -> ();;

let get_son tag f = function
  | Element (t, _, _, x :: _) when t = tag -> f x
  | (PCData _ | Element _) as x -> error_xml x ("not a " ^ tag);;

这是我的问题:在函数lhs_val第一个构造函数中,我无法正确地进入函数内部item_state,因为它不是空的Element ("", _, _, xs)。我试图将其解析为:

and lhs_val xs = match xs with
  | xs -> 
   let item_state, xs = parse_list state xs in
     check_emptyness xs;
   Lhs_lhs (item_state)
  | Element ("state", _, _, xs) -> Lhs_state (state_val xs)

我收到一个错误,parse_list state xs因为它是一个,xml但函数应该是一个xml list.



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